Glass Houses

"Every time you point a finger at someone else you have three fingers pointing back at you....." quote from Sarg

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My glass house has streaks and cracks
My glass house fends off attacks....
Your glass house does much the same
Why the need to hurt and maim?
Our glass house has room for all
Our glass house can let you fall...
peacefully into safe dreams
A crystal palace without such seams...
My future house is oh so clear
One with love replacing fear
A house of strength that shines so bright...
that can't snuff out my inner light
That glass house that lay in shards
will pass through time in songs by Bard's...
When bells ring for me to leave
I'll leave you this since none shall grieve

(GiphyCorpseBride, Poetry by @battleaxe #steemsugars #thealliance #steemusa #teamgood #youarehope )

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