Onboarding....(The Stuff We Say to Retain Users)

🤓On my one year Anniversary of being a Steemian the retention rate for the 160 Plus people who joined on that date is around 6%. Some days am sure it is far less and am sure some times it is more. The point is that of everyone I ever onboarded I'd like to share with you how many stuck around.🤓

Several had tens of thousands of followers, published authors and rather well known personalities in their circles. Every single one left and all I could honestly say was, "I get it and I am sorry." There were lots of different reasons given as to why they left and so I compiled a few of the common ones.
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  • The old formatted Trending Page....nuff' said! That single handedly ran off one person who was wanting to advertise to his listeners, readers, viewers, subscribers around 20k plus. The new format is much better and it is unfortunate it takes years for something so reviled to be changed. You Snooze You Lose
    I tried and failed to attempt to divert attention to other positive communities on DISCORD...."Ignore Steemit and just focus on Discord."

  • Malicious Attacks
    It sucks to have to tell people to not push on links and to be very careful in this terrain but 'tis what it 'tis. This I don't totally understand as every single platform has this. I chalk it up to perhaps at times lack of fucks given by the powers that be. The personal attacks and ones based on gender seemed to reallllllly piss off some people, I can't blame them but this is the Wild West. I am beginning to wonder how much Social Engineering actually occurs on here. :)

  • "When do I get lots of money?"
    There are NO guarantees on this at all. People talk of spending a week on a post and not making hundreds and that basically nobody appreciates their genius and they leave. I tried to get a few to stay the course but at the end of the day this is not for everyone. The only people at this point I attempt to onboard need to have thick skin and a warped sense of humor.

  • My favorite question is why do I stay on here. I spend most of my time in Discord not on Steemit as I find it more pleasant. My only response to that is..... "Good Question!"
    Unplugging and taking time off from here is Psychologically healthy, there seems to be only so much time anybody really should devote to chasing the almighty dollar.... NO MATTER WHAT GUISE IT PRESENTS ITSELF AS ;)


(Giphy #thealliance #steemusa #steemsugars #teamgood #thesteemexperience Be the Change)

😼Persistance Pays Off! It is what defines success or happiness on Steemit for you. For me, the friendships and alliances formed have been beautiful. Suffice it to say I am rather done trying retain people or get them to get onboarded. If they want to be on that is cool and if not that is cool as well.😼

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