Steem Dreams Contest...(What did you dream about recently?)

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The last few nights I have had dreams that were very lucid and of the same basic theme and Archetypes. It made me think if others collectively dream on the same topic or subject and then of course I felt the need to make a post about it.

My dream was some type of horrendous scenario where I was rushing to get people into some type of decaying abandoned complex of buildings for safety. Vague shadows slowly formed into people who rushed in for refuge like those escaping a deluge. There were distinct teams of us that were positive and trying to organize how to grow food and survive and I remember so vividly trying to fight against what would be the Bad Female Archetype who was undermining our efforts.

There was a lot of deception and all of us were clothed in dirty scraps of clothing and survivalist gear. The dream hit a peak with me fighting this evil "Lilith" and winning but not before it was a literal face to face stand off. I was having to play the positive aspects that the Archetype of the veil ripping powers of Eris possesses.... the nightmare was transformed from Chaos into what was eventually "TeamGood" winning. (lesson learned, All is not what appears and be acutely aware of the fact that even a very large Bully can be brought down with collective force.... Order out of Chaos!)


So here is my "Challenge" to you all..... Drop in the comments what your latest dream(s) have been and let's see for the next 7 days if Jung is right about group think and the collective fears and hopes of people playing out in dreamtime. The three with dream stories that strike a chord of synchronicity with the last dream I am not going to divulge each win a 100% upvote and possibly more, depending on the feedback.

(giphy, pinterestkatemoss, not the current @thealliance featured member but using this pic...... @teamgood @steemusa @steemexperience @steemsugars)

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