The Collective is Starting to Push Back!

More than a couple rather Heavy Hitters on here all seem to be having a Synchronized moment of ......"ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" No matter if you are brand new or have been here since Steem started, the climate reached a level of toxicity where there are some large players coming out to call for some type of level of ethics and decency.
Just because this place is decentralized does not mean that basic and fundamental rights that ensure a safer platform are to be ignored. At times this manifests as very large scam rings and some of the ones preaching love and light the loudest are the nastiest humans I have ever come across. EVERY SINGLE PERSON I brought into Steemit left after seeing attacks on here that at times equate to Group Stalking and viewing the absolute cesspool that is SOME of the trending page.
If you have the vast majority of users loathing a feature like the trending page then most rational leaders/large stakeholders would remove or change a page that glorifies what amounts to some form of Malginant Narcissism at best. I am not saying all of the Trending Page by any means BUT there are obvious and known "Ecosystem Citizens" who basically are blackballed by "Team Good". Why after pages of SP Delegation Abuse has been written and published are some of the same players STILL at it?

Perhaps a better question would be, WHY ARE THEY STILL ALLOWED TO GO AT IT? The majority on here do not want censoring and such yet it happens in its own way through other means and the fact that some dolling out SP like candy took no responsibility in how it was used. Bitching about the current Geo-Political system then morphing into that which you preach against is like Stalin giving Mao a lecture on Civic Responsibility...

for more inconvenient truths, gonzo style musings and helpful tips, follow @battleaxe

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