The Serpent (A Poem For George Soros...)


Acting shocked that Soros stocked on Crypto, WAR and wine
Sentiments long echoed to force down that sweetened brine
Spin the truth, the facts and faces...same old players throw the races
Wrong is wrapped in guilded shine of Golden Idol Token
So ditch all paper metal maker, the shills own what was spoken
So act dismayed the Cabal played so many filled with greed
grab that Bit then sit on it, while Soros plants the seed
I leave to you a message Stark while some play the game of Human Shark...
Wake up and question Avarice, That Serpent saved us all?
It poisoned wells and wove its spells, then smiled as we crawl

@battleaxe (copywritten by bob)


for more musings, inconvenient opinions and general weirdness ...battleAxe-model_500-i.gif

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