A little shot of perspective


"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." - Epicurus

I ran across this epic quote during my usual morning social feed browsing and it stuck out as being the most important thing to remember today.

Its true, through the daily struggles and happenings of life it is easy for us as humans to only focus on our lack and forget what we do have.

There may be a thousand things that we wish we had now but due to finances or whatever inhibition, we do not but that should not be where our minds dwell.

It is vitality that we take a step back and realize all the blessings we have in our lives and feel grateful for them. Imagine you didn't have the life you have, the kids, the house, the job, food on the table, a car to drive, high speed internet- you name it. These are all things we all have once wished for but it's easy to forget what it took to have them.

The most successful public figures and business people like Tony Robbins or Oprah Winfrey all practice a near-ritual where they take time daily to feel gratitude for things they have acquired or accomplished in life, and they believe that this practice is like a positivity magnet that literally draws more good towards them. No matter how "new world" or Hooley Dookey and spiritual this may seem, there is substance to this approach which you can literally see happening as you try their method.

I suggest to everyone out there to just try it. It is almost a guarantee that you will start to see great things start to happen in your life where you position yourself to receive all of the desires you do not have yet. Its all about where you put your focus and brain energy.

The subconscious part of our brains does not feel emotion but has the control over how we act and our inner drive. If we program it properly, it will go to work causing us to make decisions physically that get us to where we want to be.

"The power of life and death is in the tongue" Proverbs 18:21

And I like to add to that by saying it goes even further than just what you speak which is important, but also the thoughts you have. Technically if you think a thought, your brain is saying it to you as words.

Now this is not to say that you should abandon thinking at all about what you want in the future moving forward, but to do it in a positive way where you are not the victim who can't have it, but paving a pathway to get there.

Rome was not built in a day, and neither are our lives. If you analyze any amazing breakthrough you have had in your life, there were a bunch of little things that fell into place, changed and became that very thing. Positioning is everything.

I challenge all of you reading this to do the positivity approach as soon as you wake up enough to assemble a useful thought in the morning. They say that if you do not choose to think positively when you wake up each morning that your brain will automatically switch to negativity. It is a conscious thought process to avoid ruining your day everyday.

Upon waking, think of three things per day that you are grateful for or that make you extremely happy. It could be your kids, hell it could even be a cup of coffee. Any 3 things that cause a positive pathway to be walked inside your head. Do this everyday (that you can remember) and make sure it's 3 new things each day.

Let's face it, we all have things we want in life that we do not yet have or else we would all just be sitting on a couch in our parents basement with no drive to do anything. Even the simple fact that you are on a phone or a computer on a house or wherever reading this, you can be grateful that you own the device and can access steemit.

So here's the challenge...

Post a comment below of three things that you are grateful for and take a minute to appreciate them because we all will as well.

I'll go first.

  1. Im grateful for my 4 beautiful kids of which 2 I sent off to their first day back at school to learn and become successful. I am so proud of them!

  2. I'm grateful for my parents who had foresight when I was young to create a business that I am employed at today. Without that, we would definitely struggle as a family of 6 because I would be paid much less anywhere else.

  3. I'm grateful for the training in life that I have had from successful people to even have this knowledge today to share with you. It has completely changed my life. Who knows where I would be today otherwise, maybe under a bridge homeless and alone.

I look forward to hearing why you are grateful and the impact it will have on the rest of your day because I know the power of this process.



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