The Alliance


Let me tell you a little story about the beginning of something which has become a superpower.

In August of 2016, I heard about a new crypto currency network called steemit that had just begun and so I searched for it, created an account, wrote a few posts, got nothing in terms of upvotes or followers, and then let it rest.

Fast forward to about a year later I decided that I would make a new attempt to gain some authorship credit on the network again.

Well lo and behold a guy who goes by @enginewitty commented on one of my posts because he had enjoyed the content, and added me on Facebook where he then told me about plans to launch a team of steemit users who support eachother. This team would layer go on to be called #thealliance. Myself along with @michaeldavid were the first honorable members of the team, and at that time, I had no idea what was in store and how much power this thing really held.

Somehow our leader @enginewitty and his sidekick @michaeldavid took hold of this idea and ran with it to cause it to become what it is today.

Now I'll admit that there have been times that I have fallen away from the close contact we had while this group force was being built, but our leader's amazing staying power never stopped.

Even to this day he is driving the entire organization forward along with a specialized team of handpicked individuals who have stepped up to the plate to take action alongside him.

I'd like to take a moment for everyone who is part of #thealliance to thank him.

Here is a way to say thanks without costing you anything which will almost surely give him a step forward if everybody participates.

Here is a link to his latest active post. I believe in paying it forward so if you would like to take part in this to reach more people that would be awesome.


Go here and resteem this post to show your support for this amazing individual who selflessly takes care of hundreds of people on this network in in our group #thealliance and makes it such a great place to be.

Sometimes I'm living my life and I can get down on myself and whatever for so many reasons, but there's been days where the impact of what this man has created changes my day. Sometimes all you need is to know that other people are watching over you and helping life take care of you in some way.

Let's all show @enginewitty some love for creating such an amazing online ecosystem and maintaining it!

He deserves every penny we can generate for him.

I know I will be resteeming that post in his honour.

PS any funds made from this post being upvoted will be sent to him to honour all he has done for #thealliance!



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