A Date with Marek - Day 121 - Daily Haiku

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A date with Marek
even when running errands
always worth the wait

Cori MacNaughton

Marek and I spent the day running around getting errands done, which started off with me completely stressed out, as I had spent the better part of two hours on the phone with Epson, after our almost new all-in-one printer ceased to function after a firmware update.

It wouldn't have been so bad, had the people I was talking to actually listened to a word I was saying, but instead I was having to repeat the issue, over and over again, only to be transferred to another department to discover that the rep I had just been speaking with hadn't even bothered to inform the next rep why I was calling.

I'm generally a very patient person, but by this time I was ready to throw the printer at someone, but Marek saw the humor in the situation way before I did, and managed, as usual, to joke me out of my irritated mood.

Then he went on to do what he had to do, and I went to get examined for a new prescription for my contacts . . . and, after about a twenty minute wait, was told that our health insurance was no longer valid. More wasted time.

I growled part of the way to Nashville, but by the time I picked Marek up I was seeing the humor in the situation, which became even funnier when we discovered that our insurance had been valid all along, and whomever the eye clinic contacted at the company had their information wrong. Ah, the joys of miscommunication.

We then found a halfway decent Chinese restaurant in downtown Nashville, not bad, but nothing to write home about, completed our errands and returned home. And, once again, I was reminded how incredibly lucky I am to have Marek, and he is to have me, because we are SO well suited to one another, in so many ways.

Not least of which is that when one of us is in a bad mood, the other is always able to lift us out of it, as we are almost never in that place at the same time. And this has been true for the entire eleven plus years that we've been together.

The photo above of me and Marek was taken on one of our first dates, most likely by my friend Boo Ehrsam, using my Nikon N70 35mm camera. Though it does look a bit like he is thinking, "Who is this woman, and what the heck am I doing here?" ;-)

This was taken at the Oxygen Bar in Safety Harbor, Florida, during an art opening where I was both exhibiting my art and reading my poetry.

And, as I have posted before, I have my friend Boo Ehrsam to thank for that as well, for without her gentle but unrelenting nudging and prodding, I would likely still be an unpublished poet and writer, would probably never have shown my art publicly, and would almost certainly never have read my poetry publicly.

So if I could speak to my younger self, in my mid-to-late twenties, when I was despairing ever finding someone worthwhile to build a life with, I would counsel patience, because he simply hadn't left Poland yet!

And there were so many things in both of our lives that could have prevented us meeting, but ultimately, conspired to being us together, for which I am forever grateful.

We are each unconventional in our own but complementary ways, we have each other's backs, and we laugh all the time, especially when no one else around us understands what is so freaking funny. Which, invariably, makes it even funnier.

Who knew marriage could be this much fun??? ;-)

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Marek misses the poetry readings, and has been encouraging me to do so again.

So, to all the Tennessee-based Steemians, any ideas for poetry-friendly venues in the Cookeville/Nashville vicinity?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

If you enjoyed this post, please Upvote and Resteem it to share with others!
And I would love to hear your take in the comments.

Some of my recent posts:
For the Alliance - Day 120 - Daily Haiku - My Application to join The Alliance
Speaking Words of Love - Day 119 - Daily Haiku
Speaking My Own Truth - Day 118 - Daily Haiku - and some Questions for Empaths and Lightworkers
Buddies to the end - Our cat Miod and our dog Lolo - Daily Pet Photography
Loveliest Flower - Day 117 - Daily Haiku
Sweet Little Kitty - Day 116 - Daily Haiku
When I Was Shot At - Golden State Killer - Day 115 - Daily Haiku - part 2
Golden State Killer - Day 114 - Daily Haiku - part 1
To Our Mockingbird - Day 113 - Daily Haiku
To Write a Haiku - Day 112 - Daily Haiku - Photography
Cinco de Mayo - Day 111 - Daily Haiku - architecturalphotography


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

If you feel my posts are undervalued, and/or you want to
donate to tip me, I would appreciate it very much.

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20140126 1907d - Cohorts Lolo and Miod.jpg

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The following are a few affiliate links, to companies we really
believe in, that will further help us to operate, to help others,
and to care for and feed our animals.

If you have any interest in becoming affiliated with these companies,
which may bring you additional income, please contact me,
and perhaps we can work together!

Dr. Al Sears, well known anti-aging doctor, with his first-class
line of supplements that actually work:

Melaleuca, a company that has been making natural, eco-friendly
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but are safer, and typically save money overall in addition.

I was introduced to them by a co-worker in 1990, lost track
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and a half ago. I strongly recommend their products.

Prime My Body offers a nanoenhanced hemp-based CBD oil
that is legal in all 50 United States, and clinically proven to be
absorbed 3X better than the leading pharmaceutical brand.
I have used it on myself and my animals with excellent results.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate yourself,
check out this link:

All words are my own, with the exception of the two noted above, of me and Marek, which were taken by my friend using my camera.

The photo of our dog, Lolo, and our late cat, Miod, I took as they were cooperatively begging at the dinner table, despite our longstanding rule of not feeding them from the table.

You can see how much that deterred them both.

Resteeming is welcome, you may link to my post from your own website or blog, and you may use excerpts and/or images as long as you credit me, and link back to this post.

Please ask for permission, before using my work otherwise, as all rights are reserved.

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