#thealliance who what why and how


There are alot of people floating around in the steemit sea. With the exception of a few crazies we all long to be a part of some type of community-a family. When I first signed up for this life changing platform I gravitated toward a couple of different groups, but another entity kept popping up all around me.

#thealliance is a tight knit group of people who support each other through thick and thin, no matter the cultural or language differences. Why did I join the alliance? To be part of something bigger-something more fulfilling. Why did I get accepted into this group? I have no idea! I'm not an eloquent writer, I can't even make up a fiction tale if I had to(I tried for #motu but came up blank). But I can get around to visit and support other members. That's the thing though about #thealliance everyone has a different skill set and excels in different areas, we all help each other out while trying to have fun too(like this fun new #haturday tag created by our own @saffisara).

People come and people go on this platform just as in our own personal lives. This has led the core alliance group expanding and building the #syndicates:alpha, beta and gamma. Each of these ally groups is growing into its own unique identity with the same original vision that #thealliance started with-quality content creators who support each other.


The latest issue of 'notes' from @syndicates

With the rush of new users on steemit we now require an application post to be eligable to join. The easiest way is to contact us on discord(chat app).
Gamma syndicate chat server

Sometimes little surprises pop up too. Last week I was the featured member and this awesome banner appeared(I haven't even found an egg yet...)


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