Downvote This @grumpycat/@madpuppy

Sick Of Your Shit Stuff

I'm not one to hide behind eloquent words and professionalism when you blatantly attack people simply because you can out of a spiteful disagreement. Beauty of this platform right? One can censor or be censored by other parties. You know what the difference is between us? My agenda involves leading by example and nurturing through love and a family atmosphere. You impose your will through fear and terroristic tendencies. Yes, you are a cyber terrorist.

Stupid Cat

I have loads of respect for @michaeldavid for not bowing to your wishes and he consulted me about it on several occasions. You know, he almost gave up a few times. His bot gives to multiple charities and organizations, he has the most up to date blacklist and bans people daily that post garbage. You post garbage. You upvoted the fire out of yourself on a comment that was nothing more than a period. You are a reward pool rapist. You're also a puppet because I can see through your cat piss and little piles of dog crap on people's lawns. I would like to know why you are really here and who put you up to this? I'm under the impression that since I haven't made it into the 'in' circle of witnesses, that it has to be linked to one or more of them.


Why are none of the top witnesses addressing this? Outside of @drakos, @sircork, and recently @crimsonclad cued me to some 'Free Speech', I haven't seen a single one of you up there all high and mighty come down off of your shiny chairs and help the little guys down here. You expect to retain votes by ignoring the growing population? Things will change, that is inevitable, it's about time you start accepting it and embracing it before you become obsolete. It's a good thing we have a family that actually cares about each other. Thank you a hundred times over for everyone that helped in recuperating recent losses due to unwarranted flagging. The people @freezepeach, #steemsilvergold, @the-resistance and of course my lovely family in #thealliance.


@liberty-minded made this badass gif
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png
Roadkill Maggot - Hip Hop Song for Grumpy, by X40L1N

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