Some Boring Witnessy Stuffs


If you are looking for pretty pictures, this probably isn't the post you want to be on. Now, if you're looking for my opinions on subject matter that involve Steemit and its fabulous users, then welcome to it. Let's go.

Payout Times

I tuned into @crimsonclad's new show on MSP-Waves over the weekend because I like all genres of music and wanted to see what she had to offer us. Crimmi learned quick enough that like my P.I.M.P. hand, my gif game is strong. LMAO but the highlight of being there was a conversation that struck up with a new-to-me Steempeep called @the.artist-98. He was asking about why the payout times have to be 7 days. I brought up the fact that employers with hold 2 weeks and @teamsteem also chimed in with a few comments. But it got me thinking. Wouldn't it be great if we could actually choose how long we wanted our posts to have for a payout? We could alter contests for 24 hour engagement. We could go to a 2 week schedule, or even a month. Simply make a little dropdown menu box similar to the one that is there for self-voting already. What do you think my peoples?


I have recently come across something I find appalling. But I'll get to that in a second and know that my witness votes are being adjusted after this post and I'll update you later this week as to the who's and why's. Speaking of why's, why do people vote for dead witnesses? At first I thought it was just people being unaware that a witness had thrown in the towel and wasn't staying active with their 'duties'. I was quite angered to learn that some do to simply prevent others from rising above. I will not call out names here, but it seems that the politics of Steemit are far more in depth than I was hoping. Oh well, keep on doing me. They'll see in the long run right? I'm here. I care.

A Thank You to @jatinhota

Told you I would be singing the praises of this guy until the end of time. He's the one that helped me get all set up and I've woken his humble self up at 3 a.m. (his time) on a few occasions to help me fix my problems. And he answered every time. So thank you Jat. It is very much appreciated. He is also a witness, so go vote for him!


Aside from myself, @jatinhota, and YAH's @sircork, #thealliance has 4 witnesses representing our better interests. We recently picked up @guiltyparties who is also a witness for #steemsilvergold and the Veterans here on Steemit. I have a lot of respect for him as, just like anyone wanting to join us, he took a slice of humble pie and went through our application process. I doubt many would swallow their pride like that. But it is stated - regardless of SP or reputation - we still require the same from anyone. So all that being said, I honorably welcome you to the fold my man.

Stay Tuned

As later this week, there will be another one of those posts that make people butthurt and cry, and at the same time, should make some people smile. Until then, keep being YOU!

@liberty-minded is an AR-TEEST
@enginewitty #thealliance witness.png

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