The Alliance? Yes, The Alliance.

What is #thealliance you ask?
We are many things.
Mostly, fellow Steemians/Steemites/Steemese/Steempeeps/Steempimps/Steemcicles/Steemadites/Steemish Steeming On!
Ya know, just like you...and you...and you...and you too..and yes, I didn't forget about you! We are a coalition of committed allies determined to make Steemit not only our home, but a full time operation. Twitter is so...impersonal. Facebook is a dramatic spammy foodfight. LinkedIn is just boring. Google+ is ... well ... Google +. And you know what they all have in common? Beats me, aside from being social networks. One thing I do know though, NONE OF THEM pay you to be a contributing member of their virtual society. Steemit does though right? Just a fabulous bonus of being here! There are no ads here taking away from the content, save a few people promoting various products and businesses. Nothing interrupting my feed that I don't want there. I am in Love with #Steemit.

Are you having a tough time getting to where you want to be? Do you feel your content often goes overlooked and is well put together? Perhaps you are not exactly a novice and have skills that could help other people? should be one of our allies. #thealliance steemit enginewitty facebook.png I give to you #thealliance. We are currently accepting applications and once we have enough solid committed members, the doors will be closed and we will be swimming in these Steemit seas as if we were a tactical pod of killer whales...

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