Tree Tuesday - Walking Under Beautiful Trees

Hola amigos, hoy es Tree Tuesday iniciado por @old-guy-photos y quiero compartir este hermoso paisaje, que capturé mientras estuve de paseo el fin de semana pasado.

"Nuestra vida es una caminata constante y no siempre encontraremos hermosos paisajes para recorrer.
Habrá días en que los senderos estarán cubiertos por hermosas flores. En otros, solo encontraremos piedras y obstáculos.
Pero si sembramos cosas buenas para caminar, al final, sabremos que la caminata valió la pena ".
-Deka Rissi.


Hello friends, today is Tree Tuesday initiated by @old-guy-photos and I want to share this beautiful landscape that I captured while I was out walking last weekend.

"Our life is a constant walk and we will not always find beautiful landscapes to go by.
There will be days where the paths will be covered by beautiful flowers. In others, we will only find stones and obstacles.
But if we sow good things to walk, in the end, we will know that the walk was worth it!"
-Deka Rissi.


Photos taken with Nikon Coolpix L830



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