A letter to #thealliance


I'm a 23 year old student from a corrupt country called Croatia. A country where you can't get a job if you don't have connections. A country where stupid people are on high positions and smart ones are leaving because they can't get a job. A country where my friend with 2 college degrees has to work as a cook in a restaurant. A country I so desperately want to leave because I see no future in it.

I discovered Steemit 6 months ago and since then I have a dream that someday I will succeed and be able to support myself and my gf with the work I put into it. Steemit is a life-changer and the opportunities it brings are amazing. It has already turned my life around for better as I'm finally being able to make money. Something that I wasn't able to do because I don't have the connections to get a job.

The way I see it

I think of Steemit as a beehive and every one of us is a little bee working to make Steemit go forward while improving themselves in the process. Every good post or comment is producing honey, helping Steemit succeed and pushing it further into the eyes of the mainstream.

I decided that I want to be the best bee in the hive and produce the most honey I can. It took me a while to find ways to do it and I'm still working on it daily. I have started a couple of initiatives and am low key working on a couple more. I'm trying my best to do whatever I can to contribute to the community. Here is how I'm doing it and what I plan on doing next.

  • Steemit World Map Challenge #2 Everyone wins! is an initiative to encourage more Steemians to contribute their posts to SteemitWorldMap which is a great tool that deserves more recognition. I reward every contribution that's posted accordingly.

  • Caption Contest is a way for any minnow to get an upvote of support as every contribution is rewarded + a chance to win SBD

  • Minnow of The Week Contest #1 Searching for Undervalued Minnows! is an idea I had for a while but I didn't know how to go about it. With it I want to support minnows that offer quality work but fail to get recognized, while giving at least something to all participants. Finally did it yesterday and am very happy with the turnout. Also rewarding every contribution.

  • With a friend @enjoyinglife I'm working on a way to offer support to people living in Third World countries which can benefit greatly from our votes as their monthly wages are much less than 100$. For them even a couple of dollars on their posts can mean a lot. Sharing is Caring|đź’•Project #1 Results| Transparency for Enhancing the Trust and Relationship Power|We are searching for quality authors from mentioned regions and support them on their Steemit journey, not just by upvotes but by being constantly available for them on Discord and assisting them in any way possible.

  • @steemcreations is a project I started a while back that aims to ensure Free digital artwork and photography. It hadn't really taken off like I planned it to and it has proven to be harder than i thought to get people to give their work for free. @SteemCreations FREE digital artwork/photography/services For steemians By steemians
    But I got a way around it. I'm currently speaking with people from utopian to get contests organized and I'll pay for people to contribute their work in an effort to bring more attention to the project. I'm also planning on getting a dedicated website for it when it get's some recognition and people start contributing more often.

Plans for the future

  • Organizing charity fundrasers for those who need it the most. First on the list are the Chori kids and what they need the most is school supplies and a teacher. THIS IS VERY TOUCHING!! THEY NEED URGENT HELP!!

  • Promoting Steemit in my country and all over Europe. I'm waiting to get a camera so I can document it all but I plan to make a design contest on utopian for a promo flyer for Steemit, dtube, dsound, dlive and all the other great initiatives on Steemit and then collecting the funds for printing the flyers. I plan on making 10k of them and taking a couple of days to go through all the major colleges in Zagreb promoting and talking to people about Steemit and what it has to offer. If all goes well and I can support my journey with Steemit I would like to be a Steemit ambassador and promote it all over Europe.

  • Steemit hub in Croatia is still on the drawing board as in this corrupt country you need connections for everything we are having a hard time making this happen. But the idea is to have a place where people can come to learn about Steemit, share ideas and meet other Steemians, write their blogs, or work on helping us promote it further.


How did I hear about #thealliance

My friend @nainaztengra told me about it :)

Why I want to join #thealliance

Because it represents something I value and that is family. A family of steemians supporting and helping each other succeed and that's exactly what I'm trying to do on Steemit and what got me interested in #thealliance in the first place.

What qualities do you have that would make you a valued member of the family

I'm always here and willing to help. I'm a positive member of the community always working on ways to help others. Working daily on improving myself and my content, doing the best I can for the community. Always looking for a way to be more and do better.

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