My #thealliance Thoughts!

Many people have been wondering about the alliance, what kind of group is it? What kind of people are in it? What's the rules?

Many ways to explain it I'm sure but for me there is only one word really..๐Ÿ‘‰HEART โค๏ธ

That is what reflects in everything about the alliance.
A true family who support each other in all kinds of situations.
Many different talents that share their knowledge and experience with each other.
Selflessness is another thing. Helping others even outside the alliance is also what the alliance is about. Charity and donations!
Best group of people I have ever met ๐Ÿค—
Never hesitates to stand up for a member.

OK and that brings me to how I ended up here.

After I joined steemit in late June I didn't know much about how things worked and I posted and did what I thought I was suppose to do.
I learned early on that engaging and commenting was my favorite thing.
I always read peoples posts and commented and answered them all. That way I got more people following. And realized that was the way to do it. And fun as well.. Lol

Then a person once told me about the importance of being in a community and I never knew what that meant.
So I just kept going as I always had.
Then one day @raphavongal a guy from alliance commented on my post and talked alot about #thealliance and I should check it out.
After sneaky-ninja showed up to and @michaeldavid also talked about it I really was curious about it and then sweet @enginewitty was kind enough to let me in (never then knew what he actually had done ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ˜ฒ that crazy swede ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚)

Anyway the first thing that hit me was the feeling of heart welcome.
Everyone was so sweet and I felt at home instantly. The support and Heart in this family is unique and the people in it are the reason for it.
(Love you all)
And @enginewitty is the amazing "Bossman"
behind it all and he is the reason we all are here so how Awsome is he? ๐Ÿ˜œ ok I know kiss ass

Also the amazing quality contents that they keep writing gets me every time.
No plagiarism or crap but genuine thoughts and feelings and amazing photographers and writers

And of course the talents of banners.
@enginewitty has made many badass once both personal and others we all can use (thank you for that) and @bearone made the Awsome stars!

OK my point is that it's a great group of people from all over the world who is united in one family and engaging is the only rule really.
And that's not really like a rule its more like a fun thing to get to know each other better and know about our passions and what drives us.
And we learn so much from each other and I have found real friends that I cherish dearly.

If you want to be a part of #thealliance than you should engage and support your family as they do for you. Not that hard.
If you don't and you write crap or copies others work or such, your not gonna be considered. Not begging for votes eather it's not the way to do it.
Be genuine and follow your passion and read peoples blogs and give genuine feedback and you will se results.
Don't give up! Your time will come.

Being a part of a community is the right way and I hit Jackpot the day I meet my #thealliance family.
Now they will never be able to get rid of me.. Lol

The alliance has grown a lot sence I got there and we have 3 syndicate servers Gamma, Beta and Alpha.
All Amazing people and great guides for new passionate souls.
I run the alpha together with my Amazing friend @topkpop and it has been a great experience for me and I love it.
This is were you start out if you want to join the alliance.


You interesting in the alliance? Go check out this latest post.

And that ends this post and I wish you all a wonderful Sunday!

โค๏ธHeart = #thealliance


designed by @enginewitty

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