
Mammogram! Get your Mammogram!

Yes, I just posted a thumbnail photo of me looking horrendous and hugging a mammogram machine.

It is that important to do!

Before I left to go travel to my Mom's I was putting off a bunch of doctor visits that I just didn't want to deal with. I knew when I got home I would have to do something about it all as they were calling me about every two days to make an appointment.

One of the tests I had to do was a Stool DNA test that I really was putting off. The plus side of this test is you don't need a colonoscopy as often. Sounds good to me!

Test complete, I really didn't feel like putting it in my refrigerator until later that day when I had to go see a different doctor. Off I went to drop it off at the Clinic nearby.

I handed it to the lady after she put on her gloves which kind of made me laugh but I guess one never knows what someone will find in a closed envelope of waste? I wouldn't want that job!


The Lady then reminded me of a six-month blood test I was due for and I said what the heck I'm here!

Off to get stuck by a not gentle phlebotomist I went. She gave me black and blue marks I will have for days and honestly I have never had giving blood hurt so much. Last time I ask to take a photo of EMPTY vial while someone draws my blood! Lesson learned the ouchie way!

Still having plenty of time I thought what the heck, let's go see if they can get me in for my overdue mammogram.

While walking down the hallway I was thinking how this was so not going to happen. No one just walks in and they have room for an extra mammogram. As luck would have it they did, I did and as you can see this lady was nicer than the phlebotomist. She took the photo you see above.

My tests all came out fine, well the two that could go really wrong. The happy camper that I was, I now had something to post about too.

One small trip to drop off..........waste turned into to me killing 3 birds with one stone! I was so tired by then but I really didn't care because I knew then tomorrow I would not be receiving phone calls asking me when I would be in to do all these tests!

On top of all that for today's Day 12 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest the prompt was travel and !!!!!! I knew finally after days and days of not knowing what I could write about as soon as I saw the prompt I now had my story.


Thank you so much for stopping by!

I had to!


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