The Alliance Castle~Sims 4

@snook(me), @enginwitty, @inthenow, @c0ff33a, Snow Leopard, @topkpop, @saffisara, @simgirl

Every once and a while you get to do something that you really love doing all the way through. Building this castle was one of those times. The only regret I have is I did not get it all done by last Friday for @topkpop's final show.

Here are a few highlights from that night.

@topkpop put on a great last show and shall be missed on Friday nights!

A Castle, half done, is not an Alliance castle. I have been working very hard to finish it over the last week. The cost of the castle comes in at $1,157,938.00 simoleons. In the game Sims 4, that is a lot of in-game money.

If you can not live in a castle in real life use in-game cheats and build yourself one or you can go here and download this castle!

If you would like to use the Sim's that are already made, you can download them by going here

@snook(me), @enginwitty, @inthenow, @c0ff33a, Snow Leopard, @topkpop, @saffisara, @simgirl

The Castle

I wanted to make the castle playable while still feeling like a castle when you looked at it. When I was about 30 minutes from the castle being finished I knew I was going to have to add another level to the castle. The top level was already finished so this meant having to sneak in another level between level two and level three.

I was very happy I took the extra time to add the fourth level. I think the whole structure looked better in the end.

Level one was the hardest for me to do. I knew I needed to get a kitchen, dining area, stairs, bathrooms, courtyard, and a back area where everyone could gather to level their skills if you were really going to be playing the game.

It's also easier if you can keep your sims on the same level when playing them. You don't have to do as much chasing after them if you keep them mostly on one level.

I did not have a floor plan I was following other than I knew I wanted to keep a castle feel to the whole building. I was happy when the first floor was finally done!

Level two needed to have the bedrooms, bathrooms with washer and dryers. This is where I realized if I squeezed two more bedrooms in on the second floor it, in my eyes, lost the castle feel to it and turned the building into a jumbled mess of rooms.

I logged out to think if over a bit because I knew it was going to be a lot more work adding in a floor that was never met to be there.

I saved the building so I knew it was safe and gave myself one chance to add on another floor. Thank goodness it worked!

Level three ended up to be a copy of level two with a few minor changes to the color scheme plus the addition of a very small kitchen in one of the corners.

With this many floors and the only food, so far, on the first level, it would have been a nightmare to try and play the Sims 4 in this building. Now with a small kitchen added, everyone was only one floor away from food if they needed it.

When adding this floor I now ended up with more space than I needed. I ended up making the courtyard larger to fix that problem. Personally, I like the look of the castle with the larger courtyard! Win Win! for adding in another floor!

Level four was where the party was happening!

I added a DJ booth, karaoke machine, grand piano, bathrooms, two bars for drinking, and there did end up being one bedroom up there.

After adding the extra floor that room could really be turned into something else. Right now there are 10 bedrooms in the castle. Even with the butler you can still take one of the rooms and turn it into anything you would need.

Last but not least is the roof. I loved how this turned out with the spindles that I think makes it really look like a castle. The moat is a bit girlie but then again I am a girl so I'm in love with that too!

Here is a YouTube movie that shows the details of the inside of the castle.

If you do not have time to watch the video here are a few photos for you to look at.

I hope you enjoyed looking that the photos and video as much as I did in the making of this really cool castle!

Much Love,


All Images made in Sims 4 by me, @snook

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