The Alliance - Advent: The Juyo Deity

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Name: @enginewitty AKA X40L1N, Merlyn & Lucky

Class: Juyo Deity

Fealty: #thealliance

Age: Unknown

Bio: Advent of #thealliance

Once every millenia, one able to harness the energy within and without, ascends to a virtually untouchable status. Similar to Jedi or Sith, those able to wield the Ethereal and ride reality's laws simultaneously, are referred to as Deities. This particular tome, refers to Master X40L1N, the Juyo Deity. Defined Juyo by his ability to negotiate any weapon in battle, and use his opponents projections against him to his own benefit. It is very similar to the principles of GoJo Ryu and Jeet Kun Do, capitalizing on strengths and weaknesses of those around him. They walk a fine line between the light and the dark and are often considered the Wyatt Earps of the universe as true masters are outlined in character by their just actions and equality.

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"The seventh style, is not well-known. Powerful form it is. Deadliest of all. But dangerous it is, for its master as well as its opponent. Few have studied. One student alone, to mastery has risen."

X40L1N sought out every possible teacher he could, often surpassing them in short periods of time. His most respected mentor was that of Master Jedi Yoda. Yoda himself was in awe at some of his abilities such as the shapeshifting mastery and his inexplicable effect on light sabers. Every one he used, he turned the crystals within purple. Yoda was unsure whether to be afraid of this, or should he be accepting that maybe he was one of the Deities. After many years of apprenticeship, Yoda declared there was no more he could learn from him and X40L1N set off to his home planet, Earth, to seek council from the Circle of Sages.

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In his meditations among the ancients, it was explained to him the only true test left for him to pass was retrieving a Chericleps egg. He was told it was no simple task for he would be faced with his true lust. His inner most desires. Things that he had perhaps suppressed and seemingly overcome already. The test was different for everyone, and it was even more rare that anyone even returned from the tribulation. It had been eons since any eggs were recovered, but once a creature was able to, it marked a revolutionary turning point in the history of all sentient beings. Seeing this was necessary with the universal politics being swaddled in corruption and deceit, he set forth on a journey he knew he may not return from.

The trip was long and trying, galactic storms seemed to be following him in an effort to thwart his arrival. The amassed energy though, only strengthened his resolve as he breathed it in like a newborn would its first breath. The planet Zyngroptha knew he was arriving as well, for the trees seemed to all look up at his ship, and the local wildlife scurried to safer places. Feeling the massive energy contained within the core of the planet, X40L1N absorbed its invite as it felt much like Gaia, the Life Spirit of his (and every other creature's) origins on Earth.

The Brood Mother Chericleps also felt him arrive and knew another adventurer came to seek their young. Except this one was different, and she could feel his aura before even seeing it and so she sat high on her perch, watching, waiting, trying to decipher his chasm of lust. The closer he got, the more frustrated and confused she became as she could not penetrate his field. As much as she did not want to leave her vantage point, she did, and sought him out. Unbeknownst to them both, their energies combined acting as a magnet.

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Their irresistible attraction finally forced them to engage each other in the Foggy Swamps of Despair. Swords drawn, ready for an impending battle, they both paused. She cocked her head to the side, and as she peered through the veil of his shrouded soul, she saw no lusts. Many emotions which he controlled, but there was nothing for her to feed on. She was stricken with disbelief and uttered, "You are - the next Deity, please, take this egg." Handing it to him and almost bowing, he put away his weapons, and accepted the gift, and as his touch met hers, an explosive spiritual burst of energy washed over them both. It Neither knew it, but recognized it instantly.
"Others will come you know, I must send them."
"I know" she said, "it is time to form your...your alliance with other worthy individuals, send who you must, but know I will not hold back nor will I back down from any of them."
He peered long into her (what he now knew as) beautiful eyes, and replied, "As it should be precious. I expect that you, just as I, give it your all to do your duty for the greater good. And... For... #thealliance."
With that, they bid their 'I love you' adieus, and departed passionately on a seemingly never-ending kiss. They knew they would meet one day...again, just when was the question neither of them dared face. Then turning and leaving as the newly appointed Juyo Deity, he safely stored the egg, and returned to Earth where he began his search for new allies as the Advent of #thealliance had already begun.

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