Good News: Division IS the Illusion

Today, I witnessed a young black man smash the driver's window out of old white man's car. Seconds earlier, this old white man had a seizure and was driving down the wrong lane of the hwy 174 when he almost hit the black man head-on and then plunged his car 40-50 ft off of an embankment and into a pine tree. The white man was unconscious, bleeding, and the car was smoking and locked. Without hesitation, the black guy grabbed the headlight that had been dislodged from the car and smashed the window to get in and check and see if he was breathing and needed CPR. We sat with the old man for a 30 minutes trying to comfort him until the ambulance got there. This man may have saved the old man's life. He didn't think twice about acting as his brother's keeper. Contrary to popular mass media propaganda, helping your fellow man is the true essence of human nature, in my opinion.

photo courtesy of

Humanity: 1
Racism: 0

Divided we fall...


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