Tennessee Meets STEEM - Names to Faces

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Meeting and Greeting

The day ran on Irie time, which is about the only time I really know. You aim for a certain time frame and hope you reach it. There are always factors that meander in that you never quite can anticipate throughout the scope of a day. Once I scooped up @sircork, we were off to the races and headed over to the house @jonny-clearwater and @instructor2121 had rented for the week. As soon as we arrived, we hopped on @shadowspub's witness chat and got situated and comfortable. Feel free to check it out for yourselves and you can see us arriving fashionably late. LOL!

Names to Faces

Steemit is a social network, first and foremost. Yes, we can make money doing that, but it's the connections we make and interactions we have while engaging with each other, that make this platform and it's children so great. Especially when, you get to put those fabulous names you have been seeing on your screen, to a real life face. That is what this post is dedicated to. The Fam & the faces.


I actually got a little more one on one interaction with one of our witnesses than most people as he was the first one I saw on Saturday. I picked him up at his senile aunt's house in Hermitage, where he was grateful to finally get a break from the same story and repeating himself multiple times. But, the fact that he sat through the conversations just to be here shows he does love his own family outside of #thealliance. On the 45 minute trip over to the house, we spoke on politics, weapons, marriage and family itself. I think he misses good old Tennessee and I expect before it's all said and done, I'll have another 'Steemit neighbor'.


You've been seeing stories all week from @enginewitty (and I'm sure there are more yet to tell) as this whole thing evolved around her coming down to Nashville from B.C. (British Columbia, Canada) to visit her parents. Advantage had to be taken of the opportunity and it turned out to be a fantastic gathering of some great Steempeeps. I was lucky to sit in on an interview with her and @steemcafe, got to hear her sing several songs, and just enjoy the genuine good presence she has. She has a gift to bring out the best in people, and can get along with virtually anyone. I think she has a lot of love to spread around.


I got mad respect and love for Barbie. Besides Katrina, she came farther than any other family member to see us. All the way from Northern Jersey through storms and road work, she plugged on through and even brought her cute little dog, Adam. She has a very confident aura and presence, I can see why Cork picked her as a bodyguard LOL! She was one of us that did an episode of Hots or Shots with @jonny-clearwater, and without giving away too many details, I will say that she did a lot better than most of us! She stayed and watched Cork's episode with us too, can't wait until these come out!


This encounter was long overdue and most graciously received. She arrived in the midst of a heated conversation between @sircork and @lukestokes on problems and solutions to Steemit as a whole. Good experience for her once she got caught up on the details. I also pulled some Jedi mind tricks and did some favors so @steemcafe set up and did an impromptu interview with her. She delivered in grand fashion as I knew she would and could. We also got to meet the man in her life, Alhen, who has been instrumental in getting their slow rolling home situated. Glad you made it Amelia, much love.


This was a real treat here, @rhondak, one of the main brains behind @thewritersblock and 'better half' of the @sircork witness marriage. I'll be honest, she was way more cuddly and hugglesome (I just made that word up, add it to your dictionary) than I had anticipated, which was a real joy! She was all smiles and giddy like the rest of us at our first family union. (Can't call it a reunion, can I?) Seeing and hearing about that darn raccoon in person with all the facial expressions and body language, really puts the loving relationship they have with it in perspective. I don't suggest anyone gets a pet raccoon. I have come to the conclusion that they have no respect and would suck as a houseguest.


Believe it or not, he was actually the 'oldest' member of our family here in #thealliance that was in attendance. @liberty-minded was difficult to get a picture of because he almost always had a camera in his hand himself! It was really great getting know the man behind the scenes of the Hots or Shots show and I imagine he has some insanely good footage outside of the actual episode sessions. He may seem a little more quiet than some of the other people there, but he has a great sense of humor. A few inside jokes and chuckles were had and will be remembered. I definitely look forward to getting up with and seeing him again in August.

Wait What?

Yes! We will be meeting again in August in Atlanta, Georgia. As it stands right now, we are searching for venues and activities and have dedicated the 16th-19th as tentative dates. We will be having a few surprises and people coming. Anyone that feels they can attend (and want to bring someone), do let us know in the comments. Retention is a big issue here on the platform, it's time to start stepping out and making Steemit and it's descendants part of the mainstream. Who better than the fam?

- Much Love, Witty

(P.S. half of the earnings from this post will be split between @tarc and @youarehope)


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