My Alpha Syndicate Walking Dead Post


So the knowledge of the Alpha Syndicate
penetrated my consciousness very recently. And much like Rick Grimes of The Walking Dead's three required questions to be admitted to their inner circle, I was also asked to answer three questions to be considered Alpha material.

To Rick Grimes I would say:

#1 How many walkers have you killed: Answer: None so far
#2 How many people have you killed: Answer: None so far
#3 Why? Answer: Well there are no walkers yet and I like people :)

To the Syndicate I say:

#1 How did you find the Alliance?

Answer: Although I am hairy enough to be considered Wookie material, I found the Alliance through Darth @shadowspub in the Terran system.

#2 Why do you want to be here?

Answer: Upon Shadowspub's recommendation I pursued said affiliation due to the fact that I personally have known Shadowspub for about 7 years and have found her to have good judgement. So in other words, any friend of Shadows is a friend of mine. Unless you're a warrior princess who likes swords, dragons and leather. Then you're my wife. My hope is to add value and be valued. It's that simple really. I like sharing all sorts of information and interests from life hacks to original music.

#3 What qualities do you have that would make you a valued member of the family?

Answer: As I alluded to in my secret, coded message hidden in point #2, I seek to add value and be valued. Nothing more complicated than that really. Qualities that I personally posses are honesty, light heartedness, humor, compassion and enthusiasm to leave everything I touch in this world better than when I found it. Or at the very least not screw it up.

Nice to meet ya'll :D

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