I was racking my brain and wasn't sure what I was going to post about.
So, last night I hopped on and started up voting, resteeming and commenting because that usually gives me some ideas and strikes a spark in my thought process.

Well what the fuck did I come across, but all #thealliance posts.
This team has grown so much just in the last few weeks, days.

The "leaders" of this self-proclaimed Alliance team are pumping out super fun contests, inspirational daily quotes, solid content about their lives and passions, and are raising the Steemit community up in support.
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I have extensive experience in a team setting. And it's very seldom that you come across a team that is so supportive, engaged, and loving. And to have come across two in my lifetime is undescribable.

#thalliance is on it's way to being the largest community in Steemit. Where your ethnic background doesn't matter, financially where you are, where you want to go, what you look like, what you dress like, what your gender is, where you are geographically, or what your beliefs are.

They are just a community of love and support for each other, helping bring crypto currency to the lamen through solid content on a social media platform.

And I am so overjoyed and enraptured to be a part of it!! Photofox3_2.png

In conclusion:
Game over. Set Match. Check Mate.

Thealliance ain't motha fucking shit.
They ARE THE motha fucking shit.

We are always looking for that diamond in the rough. That person who has something to say and somewhere to go and needs that "family" to help them get there.
Reach out if you want to ad value and join us and bring the crypto FUTURE into the present!

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