"Into the quantum world..." - Chapter 1, part 3 - original novel by zen-art

To get all up to date, read the previous parts:
Chapter 01: PART 01 PART 02.

Chapter 01. PART 03.

“Will father be joining us?” Sapphire asked

They continued walking to the kitchen, following the sound of children's laughter. Pebbles could hear them talking. She has gotten used to all the wonderful creatures in this dimensions but she was still amazed by their beauty. Sapphire was something that none of the great poets could ever explain and capture with their words. Forever interchanging, forever a mixture of all wavelengths appearing and disappearing. She was Nature itself but not nature from one world, oh no. She was the essence of nature, the essence that creates creation, moves movement, and destroys destruction. Photons that dance their little dance.

She was there and not there. A constant battle between particles and waves, material in one moment and pure motion in another. Pebbles was always afraid of her but did not know why. There was a certain sense of amazement a person feels when in contact with creatures she cannot grasp with her mind. How could she?

Sapphire was light that reflected on itself and behaved in ways that a simple mind is not able to explain. You can not quantize her, you cannot measure her, not in this dimension anyway. All you can do is watch and admire the way colors on her body played with each other. Something that your brain has to get used to before accepting as a part of reality you both occupy.

How are you recovering? a hummingbird asked while still hovering outside of the window.

Pebbles ignored her little voice. The pain was present in every part of her body and it was hard to blink, let alone speak. As Sapphire and Ella entered the building, Pebbles remembered how she was once one of those leaves on Ellas back. Safe and ignorant of other worlds, occupied with only her silly little problems that, in retrospection, seem so small and irrelevant. We always think our problems are the biggest. When she was just a tiny little leaf, there was no connection to other ones, not even an awareness of them. The world seemed so simple and everything was revolving around an individual.

When you are just one leaf, you experience only that one leaf. You are not aware of an endless number of leaves living on other branches and other trees. You are not aware of the bigger picture because you can not expand your mind to that length.

When you move your awareness from yourself, you notice other leaves. When you go even further, you see the tree. Go even further and you will see a forest. How many leaves are there in a forest? Can you count them as you are levitating above them? Pebbles remembered that experience when her conscious was expanding from Ellas back and growing above the trees.

As her mind grew larger and larger, she was exposed to the harsh reality that she was so tiny when compared to other life. From a tree to the forest is grasping there are other worlds but to materialize in another dimension is realizing there must be other Ella-like creatures that hold even more life. Who holds them? Who formed this dimension, and how many others are out there? How small was she really? Her head was aching with pain.

"Are you feeling any better?" a hummingbird tried to get Pebbles attention

Its wings were flapping so fast, you could not see them. It was like the air had a different color and was vibrating really fast. Only the shape of the wings was telling you that it was a bird there.

"Ary, is that you?" Pebbles whispered. Each sound carried pain as she made it.

"Who else would look up on you, my friend." the bird said gently and entered the room.

She landed on the table, just opposite of Pebbles so they could easily see each other. Ary knew it was hard for Pebbles to turn her head or move at all so she picked a spot that was directly in front of her eyes.

"Weren't you an owl just yesterday?" Pebbles coughed those words out.

"I am not A bird, I am THE bird. There is a big difference there. Do not speak anymore. It is still too painful for you.

And it really was too painful. Dying is easy, being born is hard. Every muscle, every bone and every nerve in Pebbles body was in pain. Each and every one. Imagine a kidney inflammation, a root canal procedure, having a migraine, giving birth, being on fire and having your bones broken. Imagine you were experiencing them all at the same time. That would be nothing compared to the pain Pebbles was going through.

Being born into this dimension was like being pushed through a giant universal energetic vagina that was breaking you as she was creating you, pushing you out of herself with forces so strong that beings usually lose their conscious and faint. It is just too much to bear. Pebbles was often fainting but now she was awake. Awake and suffering. Waiting for the pain to go away. She was feeling stupid for dying again. One wrong decision was all it took.


This is the third part of the "Into the quantum world..." novel, written for steemit that is featuring steemit users as characters. If you would like to be a part of it, feel free to message me or wait patiently until I message you and ask you first.

To be a part of this novel you need to be a member of @thealliance group, read all about it here: Eyes on - issue 13

List of confirmed characters

Steemit nameCharacter nameType
@enginewittyThe Fatherdeity

The novel will be published in sequels once or sometimes more than once per week.

P.S. the images created are first found on pixabay and are under CCO license so they are free for private and commercial use. To see the profiles of people who made the photos click here: andyballard, SpiritBunny, kalhh & Nicman

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