Kicking Around Buckets

Kicking Around Buckets

#inspiredby allies - @edthecanadian & nominated by @artemisnorth in her post:

My Long Awaited Response to the Bucket List Challenge

from Ed's Garage

So here we go
Time to kick around some buckets
hope you can relate
or find a few nuggets

One day...
I would like to be
atop Mt. Everest
above the land of the free

One day...
I want to feel the fire
and commune once again
with my Lady Gaia

One day...
maybe within the hour
my magic will reach
it's true potential and power

One day...
soon as the the world can agree
I will walk from China to Jerusalem
with no border stopping me

One day...
I would travel near and far
every corner of the earth
and even uncharted stars

One day...
and we'll leave it at this
I would find the perfect lips
and the perfect kiss

3 columns
2 columns
1 column