Growing Spicy Gold - The Magic World of Jalapeños & Friends

Handmade things are so fulfilling.

Maybe it´s all due to the fact that I was brought up in a natural environment, that we build sandcastles and water dams, that only our phantasy and our hands were the ultimate source of inspiration. 

No matter why, I just can´t get enough of these green house moments.

Spicy gold 

Making a living from hot pepper seeds is surely not a standard career.

If my father hadn´t entered the market fifteen years ago, I probably wouldn´t have ever come to know the big business behind these small bombs.

A huge wave of chili heat is sweeping over cuisines around the world.  

You just need to look at restaurant´s menus, watch cooking shows or simply talk to people who enjoy preparing and eating healthy food. 

The ubiquity of jalapeños, habaneros, rocotos, serranos and friends is obvious.

Americans, for instance, ate an average of 3 pounds of hot peppers per person in 1980. Today it has become more than double that! Why?

According to the books, humans first encountered hot peppers about 12,000 years ago in Middle-/South America. Originally the pods were very small since they were wild. Sizes like the ones that we find today have been reached gradually through breeding and crossing.

I bet the ones they found them first didn´t like them at all :)

The burning sensation which is caused by the chemical capsaicin is irritating at best or painful at worst. Consumers really have to learn to enjoy them. 

But humans are remarkably adaptable creatures, we can learn to like almost anything.

Once you have learned how to enjoy the heat, you will become addicted. Promised!

Thanks to the global economy a trend that was primary lived in the countries where hot pepper originally came from, has become internationally celebrated. First it was especially used by professional chefs. Later it has even started to enter regular people´s kitchens. 

Nowadays hot pepper has become an essential part of modern an healthy cuisine all over the world. 

"Manual curation" only 

Do you know what I like most about it? 

It´s the fact that every pod in our green houses is grown ecologically and manually. We seed, plant, transplant, pour, crop and select the seeds with our hands. 

We furthermore almost don´t use any insecticides. Everyting is natural. 

Thanks to the tropical climate on our island, the plants can be cultivated in perfect conditions almost 365 days per year. Only winds do disturb the ideal situation from time to time. 

That´s hot pepper´s paradise! :) 

Actually it´s a win win situation. 

It´s not only pepper´s paradise, it´s also mine. That green house provides a magical ambient I haven´t ever found at any other place. 

It´s pure energy, 100% oxigen and 200% life. 

Perhaps if you were brought up in the wild you will end up in the wild. 

I´ve been a nature lover ever since. The fact that I ended up in the hot pepper business actually doesn´t suprise me much. From time to time I need to leave my small island in order to conquer a new puzzle piece of the other side of the world. 

However, it´s always a great pleasure to come back home. 

Thanks for your valuable time.
I hope you enjoyed this spicy piece of content :)
Marly -

Palm tree quote: 

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