The Hive. Idle rambling.

The Hive

Howdy folks'.

Out of things to write about, still many days left to write for. Trying to make this more than juts a shit post. Let's see what thoughts ramble through the forests of my mind. With a bit of luck we won't find any bear's, unless they are called Boo Boo. We should probably ask JBreheny to get some pictures of Boo Boo.

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Let's start with a little tip some may not know. This is great for those who like clean admiration. We have all had this issue at one point in time. If you haven't, you will.
You have just stepped from the shower and are looking into the mirror. The only problem is the mirror is not looking back at you like it normally should. The mirror is steamed up. No No. This does not make your mirror more powerful. (Its steAm, not Steem) It just makes your reflection hide behind a veil of condensed mist blocking your view.
Huston, there is a solution. Before you turn the water on for the shower or to prepare your bath, take a moment and grab the soap. Use the soap to draw two circles on the mirror or a figure 8 shape. Take a flannel and begin to wipe the mirror until the soap circles or figure 8 is gone. Now when you step from the shower or bath, you will have a sparkling refreshing mirror to view your cleanliness in.

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Some things I would like to write a post about,

-Learning on Steemit
-A markdown tutorial (basic)
-Choose a topic, point of view

The witnesses:
The opinion of full function of a witness from my point of view would not be accepted by many. I can accept that. I do not hold others ransom to my morals or ethics code. It is much easier to say it should be this way than make it that way. We should not hold what others have not done against them either.
My opinions here are just that my opinion. The thoughts on this should be put to a singular post though, or multiple if further discussion was needed.

Learning on Steemit
Again opinion here, a method that works to help anyone grow, is not always suited to everyone. What I would write here would be how the experiences I have had on Steemit helped me or stumped my growth.

Markdown Tutorial
I am still learning about the markdown myself. This would not be a basic review of the markdown commands. Probably more beneficial to those new to the platform. I still experiment with some things at times and trying what I see elsewhere to do myself.

Choose a topic, point of view
This one would have to be some kind of a challenge.To write about a topic not from my personal point of view. To debate something for the benefit of the opposing point of view. This would have to be a topic decided by others and the view to write from determined by others too.

These are some topics I have in mind to write about in a future post. If you have a suggestion for something you would like me to write about, mention it in the comment or in the discord server. I am always open to new idea's and ways to help you grow.

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I am thinking I will also have to learn a bit about bots and how they work. The bots are something totally new to me. Stepping into the unknown. The first bot we need is a tracker bot. Tracking the votes to the community and enabling a vote dividend to be established. I know they are out there, which one and how to set it up is still a bit beyond my grasp. We will get there though.

The PYPT show is about to start now over on the Steemit Ramble Discord Server. I will finish this post here and make my way over there. A link to the Steemit Ramble server is available in the links blow to discord servers.

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You are welcome to join our Discord Server at

Some other groups I invite you to take a look at are:
The @IFC Discord group:
The @cryptoempire Discord Server:
The @asapers Discord Server:
The @buddyup Discord Server:
The @steemitramble Discord Server:

The Hive witness vote has been given to
@danielsaori @yehey @pharesim @yabapmatt @steemcommunity @enginewitty @jackmiller
All these witness have come at the recommendation of
Jan23com to the The Hive.
They do not reflect the opinions of individual members of the group or the group as a whole.

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All the Hive Logo's and Banners graphics are provided exclusively

This account is protected by @dustsweeper

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