The Fall Of Humans down the Tree of Life: A Theological, Philosophical and Mythological Thesis Part 1


Over this past weekend, something very much hidden in the dark veils of the world dawned on me. I was at Mass yesterday, being a Roman Catholic, when the thought of the Tree of Life (also known as Cabala to Christians, Kabbalah to Jews, and Qabalah to hermetics) entered my thoughts. I had often come across the Tree of Life, in my past studies on different cultures and religions such as Wicca, Hinduism and Buddhism as well as my own theological studies in my Catholic faith.

This epiphany dwells on how far we have actually fallen down the Tree of Life. Now, if you don't know the Tree of Life, then that is alright. I am going to go through each part of the Tree and investigate how we have fallen down each section of the Tree, since the dawn of time. This is based on my own extensive knowledge of the Catholic bible, my studies on Egyptian, Greek and Roman mythology and philosophical discussions by Aristotle and St Thomas Aquinas, to name but a few.

Please note that you do not have to be religious to enjoy this discussion. Neither is this the opinion of the Catholic Church. This is merely my own thoughts, stemming from the brainwave I had in Church and the sudden realisations that hit me during Mass that I want to share with you. I am not stating any of these as fact, but merely wanting to air my thoughts in writing. I want to see how far I can take this epiphany.

And of course, I welcome any thoughts in the comments, as long as they are kind and contribute to the discussion.


A Quick Introduction to the Tree of Life and Its Context to my Article

Image Source: Pixabay

An introduction to the Tree of life could by its own right be a feature length book on its own. For many centuries, perhaps millennia, the study of the Tree of Life has spanned many cultures, civilisations and religions. It's very essence demands the utmost attention by those devoted to the study of higher planes of existence.

And I firmly believe in the existence of other planes of existence. Some might call them other dimensions, but I prefer planes of existence. All those that claim to be able to see ghosts have the sight to see through the veil of this plane into the next. That sixth sense we have, those premonition of bad things to come, the way you just know when something is happening somewhere far away from you with someone you love... the Tree of Life reveals how our senses can lift us to other planes.

I believe that unicorns and dragons were once very visible to us. Not only because of the mythological notes from ancient civilisations, but because it has also been written in old artifacts that many of us hold dear. The Bible itself talks about Leviathons and Dragons a few times, although many have said these were symbols for the devil and other beasts:

“Praise the LORD from the earth, you dragons, and all deeps:” (Psalm 148:7)
“You shall tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shall you trample under feet” (Psalm 91:13)
“he has swallowed me up like a dragon…” (Jeremiah 51:34)

Alexander the Great is also credited for writing about a beast he called the Bucephalus, which meant ox-head but which was described as a beast that had a unique horn on its head.

So why aren't they visibly to us anymore? What happened to them, if they did exist? Were they washed out by the flood, like the dinosaurs and all those humans back in the time of Noah?

Well, King David and others that wrote the Psalms lived long after the flood, as did Alexander the Great. And both men lived in great times, in ancient civilisations where life was surrounded by the divine, the magical and the mystical.

If my mind dwells enough on the Tree of Life, I see a slow decline of humans from their majesty in the Garden of Eden, where we were one with God and Nature, through the times where we communed with angels (King Solomon and his Keys of Wisdom), where we witnessed dragons / the remnant dinosaurs, to Jesus who taught us how to banish demons and heal the blind, to where saints still talked to animals (St Francis of Assisi), to the modern day where the mystical and magical are confined to television series and movies, with but a few still claiming they have magical abilities.

The world has changed so drastically. From soaring on fiery chariots in the sky to building roads for mechanical cars. From receiving stone tablets in mystical mountains to answering emails on our computers. Everything has become very physical and mundane, very mechanical and ordinary. We have been reduced to a very low state where we rely on our own physical abilities more than any spiritual substance. In the old days, we would rest on the seventh day and would not even walk a few meters for fear of divine retribution. Now, most of us need to work on Sundays just to make ends meet.

Where did we go wrong? How did we go from the divine human beings walking naked in the forest, merely plucking fruit from the trees and speaking to animals, to a world today surrounded by concrete jungles where animals fear us and we have to work a hundred times harder just to get food on our plates?

And this is the point of my study. I want to go back from the time of Adam and survey how we started at the top of our own Tree of Life, broke a sacred covenant with the Divine, and progressed further down the Tree to our lowest state today. There are some today who still meditate on these higher truths, who still elevate themselves above the normal and mundane to experience that supernatural comfort that lifts them into higher planes of existence, if only for a moment. But so many, billions upon billions, don't know how far we have fallen and become slaves to our own disaster.

Each part in this series takes a look at the ten sefirot, at the upper divine part of the Tree of Life that created humans at the end bottom of the tree, and how our own Tree of Life descended to the state it is today. If nothing else, it will teach you about the Tree of Life philosophy that you haven't heard of before.

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