Dysthymia (Chronic Neurotic Disorder), When Melancholy Takes Over the Mind

Dysthymia is similar to depression but is characterized by long periods of sadness.

The Dysthymic Disorder (Dysthymia) is a mild variant of depression . It is usually placed in a limited dysthymia spectrum of depression. If more seriously or extreme, we could put it as the most acute depressive disorders.

What is dysthymia?

The word comes from the Greek, "altered mood". Those affected by dysthymia usually continue their routine for years without receiving any treatment or assistance. They can be recognized by present signs of abating, but there is nothing in their behavior or attitudes that, a priori, can make us notice that this person actually has a psychological disorder. Dysthymia is an  affective disorder , and the success rate of treatment is very high.

Who has Dysthymia?

It affects nearly 2% of the population and the same way as other emotional disorders, the most often with higher rates of dysthymia are among women.

Do not confuse an episode of sadness or grief period with dysthymic disorder. Everyone is susceptible to feeling sad during any life stage and it does not suggest any abnormality. Since the period of melancholy can be considered as dysthymia, it could be displayed every day for at least two years.

How does it manifest? What are the symptoms Dysthymia?

The most common symptoms in patients affected are depression and sadness. Generally, they considered almost impossible to find happiness and satisfaction in their daily routine. Also, they have low self - confidence and are unable to make decisions.

Fatigue and low activity are also often signs of dysthymia. Often, sleep patterns and diet are altered. As for the rest, those affected by dysthymia may suffer insomnia or sleep more hours than recommended. With regard to nutrition, sometimes they have episodes of excessive or a noticeable lack of hunger intake.

Their concentration and memory are affected. It is usual for those affected to begin gradually become socially isolated, problem that ultimately can lead to social disability and even social phobia.

What are its causes?

There is some controversy about the causes of dysthymic disorder. Some research suggests a prevalence of hereditary factor, although new studies suggest that environmental causes are: social isolation, occasional setbacks of life and prolonged stress situations.

The only peculiarity of dysthymic disorder is that more than 75% of patients suffering from other chronic problems, such as a physical illness, substance abuse, or another psychiatric disorder. Medical personnel often have difficulty in establishing what the problem is before since the beginning tempos are often scattered.

What is the treatment for dysthymia?

Whatever other treatments must all require intensive work with the affected in order to detect the underlying causes. The two treatment modalities that have been most effective are cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy.

In addition, pharmacists support can relevantly help patients with dysthymia.

In any case, talking to the patient about their concerns often help a lot to it and tends to dispel negative thoughts and feelings such as guilt or feelings of worthlessness. The psychological treatment also pursues the person so they can achieve to manage their emotions.

In addition to individual therapy, group therapy helps regenerate the affected lost self-esteem and improve social skills.

What differs Dysthymia Depression from other Depression?

The person affected by dysthymia usually have a fairly normal routine despite their disordered life. In contrast, the depressed patient is unable to maintain that routine. Therefore, the fundamental difference is the degree of incapacitation that the subject has.

In dysthymic disorder, the person not only experiences a lack of interest. They can experience pleasure, too.

They have unusual outbursts or recurrent thoughts of suicide or death. An accurate diagnosis must be made by a psychologist or specialized in this type of disorder psychiatrist. If you think you or someone close to you can have dysthymia, I recommend attending a professional treatment.

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