Grumpycat Wiping Out Innocent Minnows and Admits To Censoring Us! Please Help Spread The Word!


@grumpycat usually hides behind the loose guise of being a hero. A hero that fights against bidbot abuse. He uses a cat we all love, funny pictures and all, to dampen the effect of his antics on unassuming Steemians. Oh and look! The cute little dog @madpuppy!

Both accounts kind of came out of nowhere, fully equipped with an insane amount of Steem power and account value. @grumpycat put pressure on bidbots, demanding them to adhere to a 3.5 day rule. Most of the bidbots cowered to his demands, but some have not. He downvotes and flags Steemians who use these bots.

Here's the catch: He's a blatant, reckless bully, and his actions make no sense.

He has no conscience and has no qualms downvoting quality posts. Recently a @youarehope charity post, an introduction post, and the leader of #thealliance @enginewitty's posts. (We at #thealliance pride ourselves on quality, and he seems to have waged war with several of us.) This feral "cat" uses no discretion, if someone uses the wrong bidbot, they are fair game. He also upvotes his own comments. Bit of a contradiction there, eh? Not to mention he used @madpuppy to pay bidbots for @grumpycat's most recent post.

I could go on and on about his inconsistencies.

I'm really here today to update you on a couple of things he has done that should have every Steemian concerned though.

He used his @madpuppy account to crush the posts of popular Pimp Your Post Thursday host @shadowspub WHEN SHE DIDN'T EVEN USE A BIDBOT!!

This is dangerous to all Steemians!!

He also admitted to censoring us.

@theresistance discord group has a general area where everyone is welcome. Sometimes @grumpycat actually drops by and taunts us. Today a member of our group tried to come to a ceasefire with @grumpycat, but @grumpycat chose to stay vindictive. Then @grumpycat was asked why he attacks some people at 1% and others at 100%.

His cold and short response: "Taste of censorship."

See the proof here:

Anyone who has even the slightest glimpse of reason has to know that @grumpycat isn't here to fight spam! He's destroying talented people's accounts, and destroying our morale!

Maybe you're indifferent now, but I'd like you to consider this quote by Holocaust survivor Martin Niemoller:

Am I comparing @grumpycat to Hitler? Doesn't that seem like a bit of a stretch?

Well yes and maybe. History shows us that with censorship comes loss of freedom, and with loss of freedom comes loss of life. We don't know the true forces, intentions or origins of the multiple people behind these two accounts.

My point is, if we refuse to fight against @grumpycat now, he will just get more powerful and out of control.

We need our whales and witnesses to send a strong message to him and tell him that this is not acceptable behavior on the Steemit platform! We need to band together and put him in his place. People have tried reasoning with him, but he shows no sign of changing!

Please consider joining forces with us in #theresistance. Become a freedom fighter against @grumpycat and @madpuppy! The invite to our discord group is here

Please help spread the news about these atrocities!

We need to get the word out about what he's doing!

Thanks for reading!

Love, snowpea ❤


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