The Steemian Magazine - a Monthly but Kicking Off with the Best of 2016-2017


The Steemit Monthly Magazine

Welcome to The Steemian Magazine

This is a monthly publication with the very best articles available to our editorial team. The e-Magazine will be published on steemit but is directed primarily for off the platform and onto other platforms.

The Publication will be slickly produced with a ‘Turn the Page Format’, clickable links to access different categories of content, editorial to explain, editorial to explain the Blockchain and the steemit interaction. It will also include some advertising/advertorial.


Mock-up Cover - Background change overdue!


We are using the latest in e-Magazine design capabilities. The use of this technology also allows for great functionality.

We are planning on making the magazine fully downloadable such that it can be enjoyed off-line as well as on-line.

Much as The Steemian is a promotional tool for, it is being put together with the central belief that it should be able to stand on its own two feet as a publication which people will enjoy reading and will want to subscribe to. Clearly, subscriptions are one of the core metrics. There will be metrics analysis built in to the publication.


Content is where you come in – everyone!

We have an Editorial Team which is waiting for your suggestions. So, what are the most memorable posts from the past twelve months?

Editorial Team:

@thecryptofiend, @shadowspub, @denmarkguy and @uwelang

I am incredibly grateful to each of these fine steemians for their willingness to support this project.

So … What was it about a post that made you think “WOW!”
We want those post links and we want them NOW!


Something we want you to be proud of.

Please feel free to suggest your own posts. We welcome that. Keep it sensible is all we would ask! We are hoping to receive something in the region of 500-600 suggested posts. We have to filter that down to about 45-50.

As well as the standard post/article content we hope that you will provide us with material for a photography Gallery and an Art Gallery; maybe a music session too if we can work it in.


and put the post category as the subject of the email. This is a dedicated email address so just the category please. If you have posts you wish to submit from more than one category, please send a separate email for each category.
Multiple posts in one category in one email are fine.

Because there is so much to do in formatting this Magazine, we need a little help from you.

Attach to your email a ‘Word’ document in which you have copied and pasted the entire post. (No comments or footer, or funky signatures (!), just the body of the post). Time taken – 20 seconds.

Complete this form (time taken: 2-4 minutes, depending on describing the post):

Please try to do all of this form filling in Arial 12 pt. No italics/bold.


Types of Posts/Articles

The selection of posts will purposefully avoid any contentious subjects such as ‘Pizzagate’; religious animosity; any NSFW; etc.
At the same time, we do not want to present a bland view of – there is no point in promoting something which we are not!


We need some volunteers who would be happy to be on stand-by should there be anyone who is having trouble, completing the form and sending us the information we need.

Please simply respond to this post to notify us of your willingness to volunteer or email us at


Mock-up in just 4 pp. The actual magazine will have about 50-60 pp


The launch of The Steemian is planned to coincide with the first anniversary of the opening of the platform (April 29th 2017) and will include the best articles from the first twelve months, hence a bumper First Edition.

The First Edition will comprise about 50 articles, two Galleries: Art and Photography plus about 8 editorials and advertorial pieces. We hope to include a music section as well.

It will also include various ways of engaging our readership such as a quiz, a puzzle and such mental exercises.


The vision is that, as much as this will be a ‘Steemit’ Production, it will be designed and content profiled towards non-steemians.

It will be a publication which all steemians will be proud to send to their friends, family and social media contacts.

It is also intended to get the publication into such outlets as Amazon, eBay, and the like.


The fine work of @rigaronib and the colourful spectre of orange and purple


The latest e-Magazine technology will be employed. Clickable links will open article ‘in situ’. Another click will scroll the article up back to the previous click.


Please do comment - we want to know your thoughts on everything and anything

The navigation of the Magazine is currently being enhanced through the generosity of @rigaronib who is developing unique icons for the navigation buttons.

Follow @ebryans for Content:


3 columns
2 columns
1 column