Join the Hottest New Group on the Block - #TheUnmentionables - 200 Members + Delegation Bot Growing FAST!

Long time since my last "The Unmentionables" Recruitment post!

The Unmentionables is a brand new group (few weeks old) that's already around 190 members, the majority of which are EXTREMELY active. Not only are these members active, but they are the epitome of perfection:


  1. Selfless
  2. Caring
  3. Respectful
  4. Helpful in so many ways
  5. Most would give you the shirts off of their backs
  6. Most loyal group of members I've ever encountered
  7. Are you looking for a new home, where people actually CARE about you and really do want to see you succeed?

    Join us on Discord here:

    We treat each member like one of our own - whether you've been there 5 minutes, or since the beginning - if you're in the group, we treat you like family.

    We take care of our people. We support our members. When members are in distress, we try and help them however we can.

    We created a delegation bot @unmentionable that's already around 2700+ delegated SP and growing rapidly - and we pass out votes to the best content our members post each and every single day (average of $0.35-$0.42 per post).

    Unmentionable Bot.PNG

    This results in around $25 a week being passed out just at this point - and we plan to get our votes to the $1-$2 each range within 1+ months.

    We run weekly/monthly contests and 50/50 raffles (we just ran our first one and it was a HUGE success - here's the post and the results:


    Raffle Winners.PNG

    So, are you interested in joining one of the hottest up and coming groups in the SteemIt community? We take care of our own- we value relationships over purely trying to make the most out of each other.

    And yet, by valuing friendships, everyone seems to be growing incredibly fast (when they put in the work) and helping each other has only exponentially improved our growth and return rates :)

    Accounts are growing faster than ever before - and our group members can attest to that!

    Join us on Discord here:

    We have several moderators on at all times of the day (members from across the globe) and there are ALWAYS people online willing to help you out :)

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