Into my Arms, Once - Day 65 - Daily Haiku

20130924 Microgreens, cats, Lolo, water skimmers and eBay stuff 088.jpg

Into my arms, once
more he leaps without a care
the essence of trust

My sweet kitty, Bear, when I am too long at my computer, and he wants me to come to bed, leaps repeatedly into my arms, into my lap, onto my back, walks across my keyboard, or climbs up into my face and cuddles my neck, reminding me yet again that I am human, and as such, I need sleep.

Naturally, his favorite time to do this is when I am feverishly writing, and really intent on finishing what I am doing, something not entirely easy to do around squirming cat body, with a face full of cat fur.

I believe this is all part of his plan. ;-)

The photo above is typical Bear, caught red-pawed in one of the kitchen cabinets, investigating amidst the bowls just in case there might be something interesting, such as, say, food. Or a treat. Or something resembling food. Or . . .

Posting this one late, as I spent most of the day with a friend in Cookeville, and didn't get home until well after midnight.

All words and images are my own.

Resteeming is welcome, you may link to my post from your own website or blog, and you may use excerpts and/or images as long as you credit me, Cori MacNaughton, and link back to this post.

Please ask for permission, before using my work without linking to this post, as all rights are reserved.

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