The First Day of Spring - Day 68 - Daily Haiku

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The first day of Spring
yesterday was seventy . . .
and tonight it snowed.

Cori MacNaughton

For real. It sounds like a bad joke. But yesterday, it really was seventy degrees, and maybe even a hair higher, followed by a high today of fifty-two degrees, and tonight, as I was feeding the goats, it started snowing not in small snowflakes, but in much bigger clumps of very wet snow.

My goats were not amused.

So we are expecting a low of thirty-one degrees Fahrenheit, which could well go lower, and a low tomorrow of twenty-seven, followed by ten days with no further freezes. Our current temperature is thirty-three degrees. And our schizophrenic winter continues.

On the other hand, our first native wood violets have started blooming, and they are always lovely. Several of our other spring wildflowers are getting into the act as well. So life is good and getting better and better.

But it's really cold tonight. Interestingly, even though it was thirty-five degrees a little while ago, our frogs were still calling, which is unusual when it is so cold.

All words and images are my own. This photo is yet another gorgeous sunset captured from my front yard in Tennessee, most likely with my Canon SX 30 iS, though it is possible that a smart phone was involved. ;-)

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