This post is worth 20 dollars


I went on a quest to discover the worth of this post.

(from pinterest)

I visited Teotihuacan and queried the Great Quetzalcoatl !

(from pinterest)

"Foolish mortal!" it hissed, iridescent feathered loops coiling "disturb me not, this post is worth 20 of your dollars!'

(from travoline)

From there, I headed to the sands of Egypt, a journey to the pyramids. I sought the Sphinx, wiser and older than time

"Oh Great Sphinx, tell me.." I pleaded

It spoke:
"What is that which in the morning goeth upon four feet; upon two feet in the afternoon; and in the Evening upon three? Oh, and this post is worth 20$"


Then, I sailed across the world and dared to visit the Miskatonic University, seeking the dreaded book: The Necronomicon!

(by orig10 of deviantart)

Trembling and heart pounding, I browsed that dark tome, reading the Black words "Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph'nglui mglw'nfah Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! This post is worth 20 dollars!"

Nearly exhausted, I stumbled into a church and prayed "Oh gentle @seraph, guide me!"

And she appeared!

(Image from pixabay (and @seraphs post))

Angel's breath whispering into my ear: "Neoxian, fear not. I will shield you from harm. And this post shall be blessed with 20 dollars."

You know it in your heart, you feel it in your soul, your very bones.

This post is worth 20 dollars.

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