Random Thoughts on Risk Taking - Read at your own risk

I'm lucky enough to be surrounded by people who I find to be a lot smarter than me. Because of this, I'm constantly trying to learn, trying to be open minded enough as to not allow my own ego to get the best of me. To be honest over the years, as I've gotten more and more grays on my beard, the process of accepting I don't know something has become a little easier, but that is probably because I keep on practicing.

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Very few things in life are transacted in absolutes. Humans and their extreme emotional complexities add layers of biases, lens of perception to otherwise simple observations. It's probably because of this I find subtle solace in math, charts and statistics. Being someone who wants to be a practitioner of honesty, arguing with rock solid evidence goes against this one desire.

However I'm not one to deny the emotional spectrum of my own existence, and I can say in that same breath that because of this I've learned to cope with reality. This is to say, that I'm attempting to operate within the realm of verifiable facts always taking into account my ability to embrace them. It is at this metaphorical fork in the road where I find myself staring at choices in risk. To aim high, lose little, yet all. To aim low, lose little, not all. To try or not even bother.

Everything has risk, there is absolutely no denying that. What is my level of comfort, might be the only relevant question and then again it might no be relevant at all. Yes there are no guarantees when one plays the lotto, but to those who have never bought a ticket, not winning is guaranteed. The lottery of life in a sense does operate in absolutes.

Don't worry if you don't understand my words, I have a hard time understanding them myself. What I know could not even be knowledge, but pretty distorted ideas of bias perception. Where was I? Risk, should we take them, should we not? Is there an option after all? There might not be and yet... here we are making a fool out of ourselves.

Two more nails for the coffin of confusion....

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