TIL what JAM is and you might be surprised by the answer.

The Boring Bit

The Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK will be presenting his Autumn Statement tomorrow (Wednesday 23rd November). It has been all over the radio.

Excerpt and image from a BBC article on it:

What's the point of it?

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, will update MPs on the government's taxation and spending plans, based on the updated economic projections provided by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) - a body set up in 2010 to provide independent economic forecasts.

Handsome fellow.

Is my Breakfast Under Attack?

If you have been listening to this you may have heard about him looking at tackling JAMs.

I was at first confused as to what the heck they were talking about? Is this a new tax on fruit based preserves?

The answer is no.

JAM is an abbreviation for Just About Managing.

It is referring to people who are just managing to get by but are very sensitive to even slight changes to their circumstances which could push them into real difficulties.

So now you know your "jam" is not under threat even if you yourself may be J.A.M.


It was also a great excuse for beautiful photos of delicious jams.


This is fig jam (not J.A.M. - it is too posh to be just about managing. It drives an Audi R8.)

These are the cool jams having a party. You will see them posting about their lives on Instagram. They might also be just about managing (i.e. J.A.M.s) BUT they will never admit to it.

I can't think of something funny to say about this but it does look delicious.


These happy people may be J.A.M.s but they are not jams although they might enjoy jam for breakfast.

I don't remember cereal being so exciting when I was a kid. Plus I had to put it in the bowl myself.

I love the way the little girl is staring her fake "Dad" out in this photo. It's like she is going to kill him after the photo has been taken.

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Photo Credits: All photos are taken from my personal Thinkstock Photography account. More information can be provided on request.

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