My Entry For @v4vapid's Tin Foil Raps - A Paranoid Rhymes Contest.

Below is my entry for the excellent Tin Foil Raps contest by @v4vapid.

The challenge is to take two seemingly unrelated conspiracies and wrap them together in rhyme. I'm not exactly sure if this is what they had in mind but nonetheless, it was a fun experience and I appreciate the inspiration to try a little bit of poetry again. :)

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Why are there so many conspiracy theories?
So many things in this life to query
So much so, it’s making me weary.
And so much dis-info, I can hardly think clearly.
Did we go to the moon?, What the fuck’s in our water?
What do they have planned for our sons and our daughters?
What the fuck happened on September eleventh?
Or the same fucking question in London on the 7th?
Is there really an illuminati?
Were we all made by the annunaki?
And what are they putting in vaccinations?
Are the bad guys really the United Nations?
Is the Bible just a bunch of tall tales?
And what the fuck’s going on with these chemtrails??
Take a look at the world, cast your eyes to the skies
All you have to do is open them wide
Liars telling 'truths' and truthers spreading 'lies'
None of them true of course but the truth says otherwise
Like Bush and Cheney are two of the good guys (lol)
Or a balanced healthy meal is a Big Mac and french fries.
Some of us know that these things aren’t true
But most of us are stupid and haven't a clue.
We just carry on doing what we’ve been programmed to do
By the TV, Movies and our favourite singers too.
They are all just puppets and tools of our masters
Those who are leading us into disaster
They want a New World where no-one can hide
Freedom and liberty, they cannot abide
They poison our bodies and our world by the day
And we just accept it because it's the way
That it has always been and will always be
Until we decide that we want to be free.
So when are we going to stand up and fight?
When are we going to do what is right?
What will it take for us all to unite?
Shoulder to shoulder, a beautiful sight.
Help spread the word, let everyone know
Then we'll have the strength, to stand up and show
That we are united, we don't walk alone
We’re ready to fight for this world we call home.
What a beautiful thing, that this life could be
If we all could experience what it is to be free
To fly like the birds and swim like the fish,
That’s how we’d live, if I had my wish.
But we struggle and strive, just to survive
And condemn our own children to a similar prize
Look at your world, why can’t you see?
Until everyone’s free, no-one is free!
So live like a peasant or die like a man.
Which one are you? I know which I am.

Thanks for your time, everyone. Hope you all have an awesome 2018. :)

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