Oxford English Dictionary
tinfoil hat
Used in allusion to the belief that wearing a hat made from tinfoil will protect one against government surveillance or mind control by extraterrestrial beings.
The Urban Dictionary
tinfoil hat (1)
Propoganda designed to cover up a massive government conspiracy. Begining in the late 1970's, the United States government tried to cover up its radio-wave thought-control program by circulating a false rumor that people could shield their minds from government intrusion by wearing a tinfoil hat. In truth, a tinfoil hat only improves reception and makes it easier for the government to read your mind. Speak truth to power!
Take off that tinfoil hat, you fool, the black helicopters are coming!
by Shep Pettibone May 22, 2009
Tin Foil Hat (2)
Tin Foil Hat, also tinfoil hat, or tfh, a general term for a piece of headgear made from one or more sheets of tin foil, aluminium foil, or other similar material. Some people wear the hats in the belief that they act to shield the brain from such influences as electromagnetic fields, or against mind control and/or mind reading. The concept has become a popular stereotype and term of derision; in Internet culture, the phrase serves as a byword for paranoia.
that guy is so paraniod he needs a tin foil hat.
by bkdouble October 05, 2006
tinfoil hat (3)
Number 1 fashion accessory for unemployed conspiracy theorists around the world!
The illuminati was scanning my brain, but not since I got this tinfoil hat!
by Bas April 08, 2005
tinfoil hat (4)
Derisive attempt on behalf of blind conformists to discredit and stigmatise those who dare to question authority.
"You honestly believe the war is all about oil? Where's your tinfoil hat?"
by Cara_Drina July 01, 2005
The Urban Dictionary
Conspiracy Writing Contest
and meant to be little more lighthearted in nature.
It's important not to take ourselves too seriously and
be able to have some fun with the subject.
In order to claim the tin foil crown,
you’ll need to come correct and throw down your best rhymes
Tin Foil Raps
Take two seemingly unrelated conspiracies and wrap them together in rhyme.
Limited to 1 entry per account ONLY
Submissions MUST be made in a seperate post not in the comments
Be sure to use the Lead Tag - "tinfoilraps" - for your submissions
Acceptable submissions
Written Rhymes / Spoken Rhymes (DTube – Video uploads)
Try to limit your submissions to a reasonable length (no novellas please)
7 days from posting (UTC = 04:00 Saturday January 6th, 2018)
Winners will be announced within 48hrs of deadline.
Overall Best (quality rhymes and merging of topics)
Most Humorous
The Realness (most accurate and realistic)
Most Original Entry
As Always - Bonus V4Vapid Upvotes in the Mix :)
This contest is open to everyone.
Just have fun with it!
Possible Themes
Tin Foil Hat Use / Pizzagate / The Illuminati / Aliens / The Finders /
9-11 / Nibiru (planet X) / MK-Ultra / Chem Trails / Surveillance State /
Eugenics / Biometrics / Reptilians / JFK / Arkancide / Moon Landing /
Media Ops / False Flags / Fluoride / RSA / Flat Earth / Sandy Hook /
Area 51 / Roswell / Vaccines / Monsanto / Boston Bombing / ...
Once again, a special thanks to @fortified / @animate for the original contest gif
edits: more theme suggestions
Limited to 1 entry per account ONLY
Submissions MUST be made in a seperate post not in the comments
Be sure to use the Lead Tag - "tinfoilraps" - for your submissions
Acceptable submissions
Written Rhymes / Spoken Rhymes (DTube – Video uploads)
Try to limit your submissions to a reasonable length (no novellas please)
7 days from posting (UTC = 04:00 Saturday January 6th, 2018)
Winners will be announced within 48hrs of deadline.
Overall Best (quality rhymes and merging of topics)
Most Humorous
The Realness (most accurate and realistic)
Most Original Entry
As Always - Bonus V4Vapid Upvotes in the Mix :)
This contest is open to everyone.
Just have fun with it!
Possible Themes
Tin Foil Hat Use / Pizzagate / The Illuminati / Aliens / The Finders /
9-11 / Nibiru (planet X) / MK-Ultra / Chem Trails / Surveillance State /
Eugenics / Biometrics / Reptilians / JFK / Arkancide / Moon Landing /
Media Ops / False Flags / Fluoride / RSA / Flat Earth / Sandy Hook /
Area 51 / Roswell / Vaccines / Monsanto / Boston Bombing / ...