Tippy Development Log #694201337

A concentrated analysis and debugging of the Tippy source code is currently under way. I've spent a few hours previously going through and systematically testing functions and features to see if they are operating as intended. The results are a bit saddening to say the least, With a large number of bugs coming to light after moving the project from my laptop to main workstation.

Rather than get discouraged I view this as a chance to nip bugs in the ass and get the code right now rather than scrambling to deploy a fix later once live. While not the best nor most seasoned codester we have on STEEM I'll keep bashing away at it persistently until Tippy works 100%

The Incomplete List of Functions & Buggery

Gone through and tested functions to see what is causing grief and what appears to be working properly. This list may not be complete but rather serves as a list of things to start deploying fixes for in hopes of finalizing the Tippy source code, launching the service and going open source.

Installation and Setup - ✖ Bugged, Not creating files FU win10
Update Profile on Startup - ✔FIXED (Had it commented out... Durrrr)
Catchup offline blocks - ✔FIXED (Seems to be syncing properly now)
20 Sec Comment Queue - ✖ Bugged, Does not follow FiFo design
3 Sec Voting Queue - ✖ Bugged, Does not follow FiFo design
Fix Random service exits - ✖ Bugged (only happens after large sync)

@Tippy Help & Commands
CommandUsageWorking / Bugged
tip-tTip a user✔ Both STEEM & SBD Working
powerup-pPowerup user✖ Not registering
balance-bCheck Balance✔ Both STEEM & SBD Working
stats-sView Statistics✖ broken due to missing files
info-iMore Info✔ Functioning as Intended
ping-oCheck Status✔ Functioning as Intended
vote-vUpvote post✔FIXED (Misleading console output)
flag-fFlag post✔FIXED (Had an improper variable in function)
roll-dRoll dice✔ Functioning as Intended
Admin Commands
Working / Bugged
feeSet Tipping Fee✔ Functioning as Intended
service stopShuts Down The Service✔FIXED (Seems to halt service now!)
uptimeDisplay Uptime Info in Console✔FIXED (Tippy saw info in string... lol)
debugTurns Debug Output On or Off✔FIXED (Helps if I use correct command..)

Other functions that need looked at / fixed / implemented:

  • Redesign statistics handling to make more efficient
  • Enforce block save height on anything to do with balances
  • More debugging output
  • Improve error handling
  • Allow financing others accounts through memo
  • Improve memo handling
  • Implement multi tip/command messages
  • Recode certain functions to minimize disk usage
  • More security features and error recovery
  • Look into alternative means of user data storage / backups
  • Display Last Checkpoint Block Height on Profile ✔Implemented
  • Clean up / finish console monitoring output

Weighing in at just under 2200 lines of nodeJS it seems I've got more than a little bit of work left to do before Tippy is ready to launch. Will be using this as a testing post. Please feel free to mess around with the bot but know it is BUGGY right now and I offer no support or warranty on it as it currently sits. Please refrain from depositing any more than you are willing to write off as a donation, although I'll try to make sure peoples funds aren't lost. No promises though, this is experimental alpha version software and should be treated as such. Till next time: "Just the tip!"

In the next little bit I'll start plugging away at Tippy. A good supper is in order and a quick store run to load up on caffeine is a must before getting settled in for the night to sort through and fix code. It's going to be a long night of staring at tippy's mind and adjusting it to run better.

Bugs Smooshed So Far This Coding Burst:

  • Update Profile on Startup - ✔FIXED
  • Admin Debug Toggle on/off - ✔FIXED
  • Admin Service Stop Call - ✔FIXED
  • Admin Uptime Toggle - ✔FIXED
  • Vote Post Command - ✔FIXED (may limit/randomize/premium)
  • Flag Post Command - ✔FIXED (moved to admin only)
  • Catchup offline blocks - ✔FIXED (Seems to be syncing properly now)

Features Implemented This Session:

  • Display Last Checkpoint Block Height on Profile ✔Implemented

Vote @KLYE for Witness
3 columns
2 columns
1 column