My tips for Success on Steem

Tool of trade

While working up towards what I consider a successful future on Steem, I've set down some guidelines for myself to follow. I will now publish them for all others to gaze and wonder about. Hopefully these can serve as tips for anyone else struggling to make it here.

My 8 Tips for artists and content creators on Steem

  1. Be active and consistent
    • Hourly/Daily/Weekly/Monthly schedule is important. Follow yours strictly.
    • Do separate schedules for updates and art. Gives your content structure.
    • Holidays are for wussies (Don't kill yourself by overworking though.)
  2. Keep them engaged
    • A fan who gets a response from you will likely be back for more. Others will too. ("Notice me Sempai!")
    • A constant dialog between the artist and the community (or fan base) is essential for your success.
  3. Don't beg for recognition
    • This doesn't go well. Really. Don't do it.
    • Begging for recognition will hurt those who are genuinely in need.
    • Consider your reputation, especially on Steem. Don't do it.
  4. If you don't at first succeed, try, try again!
    • Success doesn't come to you, you will have to get it!
    • Success doesn't happen overnight.
    • Work hard, take a good rest and repeat.
    • If this fails, try again.
  5. If after consecutive tries you still don't succeed, don't blame others.
    • No-one but you is accountable for your mistakes.
    • Blame game will hurt your success, don't do it.
    • Consider if you did something wrong at #4. Maybe your art or content needs more work.
    • Blaming your audience will get you alienated, don't do it!
  6. Take a positive approach
    • Every day is a new day
    • Immerse yourself in things you love doing.
    • Even if you don't always feel good, keep doing what you do best.
    • In doing the things you love you will eventually find your success.
  7. Mistakes will happen
    • Nothing is forever, success is frail
    • Suck it up and make amends. Read #4.
  8. The fault is not always yours.
    • If you know you didn't do anything wrong, own up to it and keep posting.
    • Your art, your audience, your rules.
    • Keep up, whatever it is you love doing.

Sometimes you will fall.
Sometimes you will fall

I am personally still working on it, confident I will one day make it and confident I won't stop working when I do. Success is not actually real if you are not prepared to constantly aspire towards it after you've reached it once. Don't use it, you lose it.

And if you do fall. Get up, and try again!

[Previous post: One photo every day: One flame, a Pyramid (62/365)]

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