Introducing the #TKC Engagement Rewards Program! Get More Upvotes for Your Engagement in Our Community!

Hey everyone! If you've been following the #tkc community, you'll notice that we're growing rapidly - way faster than my expectations! My vision for TKC is to create a huge, active community of great content creators who are properly rewarded for their hard work.

Today's announcements are another great step towards building the #tkc community and making this vision a reality!

Steem is having a lot of issues with bad content rising to the top due to big whale upvotes, and it's time to get more awareness and upvotes for the good content creators who are getting left by the wayside.

Current Rewards Program

As you may know, the current rewards program in the #tkc community is a daily drawing for 3 pieces of content. These 3 pieces of content are randomly picked but then curated for quality. Only high-quality posts get featured!

New Rewards Program

The new rewards program will build on top of the current program by adding an additional layer of rewards. These rewards will be given to the active members of the community - those who regularly comment/upvote great content in the #tkc tag!

I spend a lot of my time reading/engaging with the content within the #tkc tag and starting now, I will be actively upvoting comments of people who I see that are continuously interacting with content from their fellow #tkc creators!

New Post-Curation Channel in Discord

You may also have noticed that there is a new channel in the TKC discord group. Imagine this channel as being similar to a post-promotion channel with the exception that all the posts that are linked in this channel are hand-picked by our team of curators. These curators are in charge of regularly reading content in #tkc, finding the great pieces of content, and then linking them in the channel.

Remember also that I'll be reading the posts that are linked in this channel and I'll upvote those who are regularly leaving high-quality comments and who are upvoting their fellow creators!

What Can You Do to Get the Most Rewards?

I thought I'd make a quick TLDR of what you should be doing on a daily basis to try and get the most rewards and provide the most value to the #tkc community:

  1. Post 1-2 Articles a Day In the #tkc Tag - 3 high-quality pieces of content are chosen each day to be featured in the daily TKC and receive a $20 upvote!
  2. Regularly Comment/Upvote Good Content - The new rewards program will be rewarding those who I see that are regularly engaging with fellow creators in #tkc
  3. Got an Eye for Good Content? - Consider becoming a curator in the Discord channel. Curators will receive arbitrary upvotes based on the quality and quantity of content they share in the post-curation channel. To become a curator, just DM me on discord and we'll put you to the test!
  4. Join the Discord!

Special thanks to @xyzposter for helping create and fine-tune these additions to the rewards program!


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