My current situation...

I went to the family advocate and they did an intake they said they can help me and I go back thursday.

I miss my son but I hope he will be ok I will get him back soon unless things go sour in my work.

I went to my CFS meeting and was told that due to my son being aggressive and angry they are taking him. They keep telling me to send him to one of their doctors or services to take my child.
They are questioning my mental health asking if I have a history of delusions...
They said I am doing nothing for my son yet 2 days ago I told one of the school staff to get him into some anger managment. Everyday of school I would talk to his teachers and we would go over it in the morning to try keep him on point and have done this from kindergarden to september 2017. I conforted his teacher about all this and told her about what really happens and how the people that educate children do not protect him. They kept talking circles around me saying that I was not helping him.

For the last to years I have gone with out so much to give him birthdays at childrens museum.

This whole thing was based off a lie and I was hoping to defend myself from the lies but I am gunna need a lawyer.

I was hoping to not waste money on their lies and was hoping to stand up for myself but they lie to themselves even.

I never party. I do not drink. I spend my time making memes and trolling the elite and redpilling people in my city. I play lego with my son and build bases we do wars. I once built a five floor sniper tower.

I am trying to not lose my shit but this makes no sense...

I always help my son I encourage him to do well and honest.

I am really scared and uneasy and it doesn't go away. I know too much about what really happens to kids in care.

If my son gets sexually abused they better lock me away for the rest of my days...

Also expect major releases tonight and tomorrow...

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