Tools Talk in WorkShop - Hand Tools - Topic - Tin Snips Part 2

Tools Talk in WorkShop - Hand Tools - Topic - Tin Snips Part 2

Today Tools Talk in WorkShop, I am going to show you, How to make your own Steemit Signage.

You will need a variety of Tin Snips

Variety of Tin Snips

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Previous Tools Talk in WorkShop - Hand Tools - Tin Snips intro

Tools that you will need , a squares, variety of Tin Snips, marker pen, a de-burring tool, a rubber mallet, a sheet of metal. Here we go follow the steps

Use the marker draw up the out line of #steemit word

Use your square to draw the line ,later use the Straight Tin Snips to cut straight line

To the Cutting; you will need your left hand , right hand snips and your straight snips

Final step use your mallet straighten up the metal sheet then use your de-burring tool to clean the edges for sharpness.

Well , Isn't it Fun here, In the Tools Talk in WorkShop , until next time - Stay Tune

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