Love locks: serious problem in many European cities including Prague

Hi everyone,

If you have visited some popular European cities in the recent years, you might have noticed there is a new touristic trend that seems to be romantic but in fact, it poses a serious problem for local authorities.

Source: Pixabay (Creative Commons)

Yes, we are talking about the love locks. Whether you are in Paris, London, Rome, Prague or any other popular European metropolis, you can be sure there are some bridges bending or even collapsing under the weight of thousands (in some extreme cases up to a million) of love locks.

Source: Flickr (Creative Commons)

Consequently, what started as an innocent romantic tradition, is now often viewed as an act of vandalism that authorities try to discourage.

There are several bridges in the historic center of Prague that have been “targeted” by couples who want to demonstrate their love by this unfortunate method too. However, the lovers probably do not know that their padlocks only stay locked on the bridge for a very short period of time anyway as local authorities send their maintenance workers to remove the padlocks regularly, which is both time and finance consuming.

Source: Wikimedia Commons (Creative Commons)

Therefore, if you are in Prague and want to do something romantic with your partner, head out to the Petrin Hill which is considered the most romantic spot in the city where those in love can enjoy some nice moments of intimacy without causing any damage to the beautiful architecture of the Czech capital.

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

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