Cave Congac.

Today we head to the cave Congac located in the heart of the South Korean city of Dong Hoi...

We only had a few hours in Korea and the first thing they took us to a cave that was discovered during construction works in 1991... the entrance to the cave looked like a hole in the ground" ...

At the entrance were all obliged to wear helmets...

Inside was slightly cooler than outside, but still bearable...

In the cave, at all desire, will not be able to get lost, as the entire route paths, bridges, stairs, handrails, and everywhere there are cameras...

In the beginning of the route is the exposition of the various rocks that are found in the cave...

A winding trail led us under the arches of the cave... everything is very nicely lit up, and the colors changing, shimmering and playing... the Whole way I wished I had not brought a tripod, it was badly needed in this light...

Someone ran forward, someone behind, generally I was left alone... Suddenly, somewhere ahead, I heard children's voices coming towards me... "yeah, darling! They'll make great footage!" "I thought, and hid in the dark... :) I was not visible and only the flash of the camera gave my presence...

...I think now is the time to apologize to the kids... "Dear children of Korea, sorry, the uncle, the bullying that you experienced in October 2010 in the cave Congac. I promise not to do it..."
...It should be noted that Korean children are not different from any other children... After some confusion they shouted "Hello!", teasing and giggling...

... At this point I said thank you Koreans for the helmet (then I repeated it about five times...)...

Standing around the monitors.

The cave is very bold and very curvy... the Route intersects several times...

The cave is full of stalactites, stalagmites and stalagnates (fused stalactite and stalagmite)...

I was left in complete awe of visiting this place!

So Karezi from the "hole in the earth" made a very beautiful and interesting place of leisure...

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