Hilarious Knock-Offs Part 2

To Visit Part One Click Here -- > @rentmoney/hilarious-knock-offs

Knock-Offs - a copy or imitation, of an expensive / popular or designer product.

Welcome to the second installment of Hilarious Knock Offs. Coping others work and profiting from it is very common in today's world. A fake pair of Nike shoes .. a designer purse, the list is endless of items that have knock off counter parts. Here are some of the more blatant and sometimes out right comical ones I have come across.

Freddy .. what have they done to you ...


We all remember Robert Cop from the first installment.
Here is Robert Cop 2
I am sure you will agree, A big improvement from the first Robert Cop.

Who you going to call .... Spook Chasers

Pokemon meets star wars ....

Ok, this one may or may not fall under the category of knock offs
but it's name is too hilarious not to include here.

And something that if you eat, you may need you to pick up some shitbegone afterwards ...

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