Tracking Along the Seoul Walls 1

After looking around the East Gate, I started to tracking along thr seoul walls.
The starting point was the other side of the street of the East gate.
I could see the starting point of the seoul walls.

Interesting thing is the most imminent building is the tower of the church.
From the starting point to the Seoul Wall.

Even though Confucianism and Buddhism had been the most powerful belief and religion in Korea for thousands years, the christianity is the most influencing religion in Korea. This speedy change of religion is not common phenomenon in this north east area.

For example the true religion of chinese is Taoism, Japanese believe in Shindo - japanese traditional religion, Buddhism and Confucianism was very popular before the Westernization. During the westernization and the Korean war, the structure of religion in Korea was totally changed to the Christianity. In the other chance, I feel like to post the religion of Korea in more detail.

Walking along the wall, I could enjoy the deep true flesh of Seoul. I didn't know that there were so much houses inside of seoul.

I could see a huge apartment complex far away.

There were old and antiquated households near the walls,

What make this difference between the rich and the poor ?

At the top of the small hill of this walls tracking section, I found unexpected small cafe village. Village itself was very old, but they decorated and fixed the houses to the cafe.

I found the guide plate to the blacksmith
It was interesting to me, so I took a photo

I took a rest for a while and continued to walk along the walls

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