Tradeqwik Announces Adjustment in Upvoting Strategy

We at Tradeqwik absolutely love upvoting our customers who also have Steemit accounts. For a while we were giving an automatic upvote to anyone who registered an account on Tradeqwik and shared their VIVA ID. You all enjoyed the boost and we were happy to give it.

But then some people thought it would be a great idea to register an account with us and then publish 45 posts a day of questionable quality, depleting our upvote value for everyone else.

So we came up with a new plan for now, pending more sophisticated upvoting tools which are currently in development.

We still love to upvote your posts, but now we need you to have some skin in the game. Everyone who owns TQS shares will get our automatic upvote--one percent for each share held up to 20%. If you don't own any TQS, you can easily pick some up on Tradeqwik for just 10 VIVA each. You can think of our automatic upvote as an added benefit to holding TQS shares, especially if you tend to publish frequently on Steemit. Of course, the weekly dividend payments continue for all TQS holders regardless of whether or not you write on Steemit.

In this way, we all help each other out. You help us out by owning our shares, and we help you out by upvoting your posts. It's a beautiful thing!

In other news, VIVA Holdings @vivacoin has started an initiative to raise funds to assist victims of the recent devastating 7.2 earthquake in Mexico City. You can join in the effort by making donations in several prominent cryptocurrencies. All the information you need to make your donation can be found in this article as well as here. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

The VIVA Peg is currently at $9.41. It's very close to its target of $10.

Finally, if you log on to Tradeqwik and navigate over to the exchange you can read all the Discord Trollbox conversation while you're setting up your trades! Check it out!

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