Experience sharing with a profitable trading 追涨杀跌的经验分享

I've been joining a Cryptocurrency trading channel for a while and the result was amazing. Just so you know, there are plenty of this kind of channels. Some of them provide crypto signals, some focus on pump and dump which I think is a total waste of time and money. Do not join pump and dump anyway, chances are you keep donating money to the speculators.

I firmly believe no one knows anything about the trend of cryptocurrency chart, pure technical analysis or another form of attempts trying to read the chart to predict the price movement simply looking silly to me.

However, TA can be very reliable if combined with the news collection. Coins price usually shoot up with good news like being enlisted in an exchange, release of wallet, realization of new feature, release of roadmap and so on. If you are too busy for all these trackings, these signal channels could do the work for you.

Profiting example

This is how they distribute the signal, normally with buy zone and sell zone. You should set the sell orders accordingly once you bought the coin.

Yesterday I somehow accidentally gained the biggest profit with this single signal with CFI because I forgot to set the sell order accordingly.


Within 6 hours, my crypto alarm notified me that this coin had rocketed more than 100% and I quickly logged in Bittrex to verify the gain. Holy, I did not set any sell orders! Better do it now.

Bought at 0.00001250 and sold all at 0.00002488, I've successfully turned 0.06999956 BTC into 0.13863224 BTC. Profited 0.06863268 BTC with 98% gain, equivalent to $680 currently.

Example aforementioned was extreme and shall not be taken as usual case. What this channel does is they will keep update you about the coin which they think will rise soon, base on technical analysis and news from the development team or even rumors.

Of course, you can search for other channels as there are a lot out there, but in case you are interested their Telegram ID is @HighestPump. I do not get benefit in any form even if you join. Just sharing if you are interested in crypto trading.

Tips: Set stop-loss for every signal and actually use them.


近来迷上了 Telegram 里的加密货币交易频道,还从中稳定的赚了不少,在此想和大家分享心得。Telegram 上有很多此类的频道,在这里奉劝别加入 Pump and Dump 的活动(就是在短时间内把某个冷门币炒高再卖的行为),输多赢少的,而且背后也不知有谁在操纵。我比较喜欢的就是提供 Signal 的频道。


但是不是每个人都有时间来追踪上百个货币的信息,这时你就需要这类频道来提供可靠的 Signal 告诉你近期有什么项目是大有可为的,从而低价买入高价卖出。


上面的的图一就是例子,他们会建议你在什么价位买入,然后设定几个目标价卖出。昨天收到的 CFI signal 是近期误打误撞赚得最多的,因为我买入后忘了照着卖出目标设立 sell order。 而是到晚上才发现已经猛升一倍才赶紧卖了。

图二可以看到在短短六个小时内,我成功的把 0.06999956 BTC 的成本卖出为 0.13863224 BTC。用 98% 的涨幅赚了 0.06863268 BTC,当下等同 $680。

当然上面的是幸运的极端例子,万事还是要照着策略来。这个频道是基于 TA 和近期的风声新闻推荐近期有望上升的币种。当然此类的频道是有很多的,只是我觉得这家很不错。如果你有兴趣,他们的 Telegram ID 是 @HighestPump。纯粹分享,任何人加入我都没收益。

Tips: 一定要设定和执行止损。


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