

MAKEAFOLIO is a cryptographic money administration stage with a distinction. By removing the mystery from portfolio administration and blockchain venture, we can offer the absolute most comprehensive biological system, enabling you to track, oversee, think about, and contribute effortlessly and clearness. Ideal for newcomers, as well as experienced dealers who wish to share their aptitude and administration abilities through their portfolios in one advantageous, creative, and independent stage.

Make: The thought here is to a great degree basic: you will have the capacity to store a measure of Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Ethereum, and it will be changed over into MAF tokens. From that point forward, you will have the capacity to make your token choices and info your coveted broadening proportions, with input handle that consider the development of tokens to a favored wallet. When the greater part of the determinations have been made, just press "MAKEAFOLIO" and the framework will then change over MAF tokens into the coveted portfolio with the right rates.

Track: MAF Track enables the client to rapidly check the wellbeing and execution of their portfolio. This administration will incorporate a live outline of a client's general execution, the token name, sum, customized passage point, current value, add up to token worth, and recent hour execution.

Leaderboards: The above framework will be one of the principle highlights of MAF, as it will rank all clients as indicated by their general portfolio execution, obtained accomplishments, add up to portfolio esteem, and a couple of different measurements that we'll actualize to keep the positioning framework precise. MAF leaderboards will enable clients to duplicate their preferred arrangement and straightforwardly apply it to their own, all with the snap of a catch

Undertaking Team:

The group comprises of an accomplished and demonstrated organizer, administration group and guides who have been cooperating to drive the vision forward.

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Token Details:

Begin July 1, 2018 (12:00AM EST)

Number of Pre-ICO Tokens For Sale 5,000,000 MAF (5%)

End September 1, 2018 (12:00AM EST)

Tokens Exchange Rate 0.35 USD per 1 MAF Token. This will be stuck to ETH once we're nearer to Pre-ICO

Worthy Currencies ETH, BTC, LTC, and BCC

Necessities/Country Restrictions keeping in mind the end goal to take an interest in our ICO, you'll have to finish KYC

Reward We're putting forth a 30% reward for our presale, this is the most noteworthy reward accessible inside the majority of our financing rounds


MAFPAY is a framework for Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Litecoin clients to exchange their assets without danger of losing them. The most threatening piece of digital money is moving around reserves. MAFPAY will kill this issue by enabling a client to store a measure of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin into the MAKEAFOLIO wallet. In the wake of keeping reserves, the client will enter the goal they might want to send their tokens. Keeping in mind the end goal to discharge these assets from the MAKEAFOLIO wallet, they should check the getting wallet by sending a little measure of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin. Once the exchange is confirmed, the main beginning exchange will be discharged to the wallet. This kills all the mystery from huge exchanges. The charges for this are paid with the check sum by obtaining MAF with those tokens got.

Critical connections:-



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BTC USER: bounty123

author username - chathurabrabo

bounty0xusername: nethu

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